Nicky Jankovic

3 thoughts I try to keep in my mind when things are messy, uncertain or heartbreaking

3 thoughts I try to keep in my mind when things are messy, uncertain or heartbreaking -

1. Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together.

2. There is always strangely some strength, character, wisdom, and perspective to be gained through every experience no matter how challenging.

3. It all works out ok in the end.

I actually shared this in a story the other but after some of the conversations I have had with people in messages this week I felt it deserved a permanent spot on my profile.

Cheating, drugs, relationship breakdowns, loneliness, health problems, financial stress, and general life some point in life it happens to us, or has happened to us all

I appreciate that when you are deep in it, it’s tough. It can be really hard to see past the emotional turmoil, whether that be worry, hurt, overwhelm, desperation, feeling deserted, trapped or a rollercoaster combination of it all.

Obviously when you are in that place it’s going to take a bit of time to work through what has happened, so acknowledgement and acceptance of that is a good first step.

It is absolutely more than completely fine to be in a really low place...but it’s also so important you don’t spend too much time isolated in there.

A good place to start is spending some time on re-building your mindset and improving yourself. This can be as simple as reading books, listening to podcasts, watching inspiring/educational/thought provoking videos, or joining an online community or group, literally anything that helps you with perspective and get your vibes up, even if it’s just for 20 minutes for now.

Another great step is to just take some time out to sit with yourself and evaluate your life, where it is currently at, and where you would like it to be. If you don’t see a vision for your life, and you don’t know where you are going, it’s really hard to make aligned actions to get there. Focus in on how you can move forward by starting to think about all your hopes and dreams.

Sit quietly and think about exactly what it is you want for your future and start writing (or even just visualizing) a list of what you want for your life.

Write down what your dream life would be, what would the perfect day in your life look like? Down to each hour?

What is your dream career? What gives you purpose or drives you?

Where do you want to live?

What type of people do you want in your life?

What do you want for your health?

What kind of money do you want to earn every week?

Then start taking a single step towards those things that light you up most!

I can promise you that there is soooo much more good coming your way and you’ll look back on it all as just a much needed part of your journey, for whatever reason, regardless of how much it doesn’t make sense right now.

Love you all and sending you epic strength and healing vibes

Always here. Always got your backs xxx

So what if we fail.

The world- “You have less than a 1% chance of success”


I mean seriously, even if all these supposed statistics were completely on point why are people really so scared of chasing big goals?

Why are people so scared to risk a little, to potentially have it all.

So what if we fail.

Privately, or god forbid, in the public arena

We know all great things require big growth, finely tuned skill set, patience, work ethic, commitment, educated risk, consistency, resilience etc.

But it seems the biggest challenge of all, is finding the courage to even try.

Hear this though, all the athletes in the world have little chance of making it to the top of their sport, all the musicians in the world have little chance of reaching the top of the music world, all the actors around the world have little chance of hitting the big time as an actor, all the models in the world have little chance of becoming a successful model, all the business people around the world have little chance to become a top CEO, and all the want to be firefighters have little chance of becoming a firefighter.

But people do it.

People take a chance, give it a shot, and win.

And you know what, let’s be completely honest

in the fact that most people don’t make it.

But guess what, that’s actually a beautiful part of truly living life.

If you fail or realise something is not meant for you, I can promise you that at some point in the future your experience will end up paying you off in dividends. You’ll see the importance of the lessons you learned from that experience, the purpose of that path, and the perspective of taking that chance.

You’ll also come to know yourself better.

I often wonder, why do we as a society condition ourselves to be so fearful of challenge and chasing something that requires the absolute highest level of ourselves to possibly achieve?

Imagine if everyone chased their biggest goals in whatever arena they were most passionate about. I mean can you imagine as humanity how much more epic and farther along (for the better) we would be? Like imagine if we all strived for the top of the mountain. There is absolutely no doubt that the majority of us would fail to achieve the epitome of greatness in whatever we measure that by, but there is also no doubt that we would all be happier, healthier, have a greater perspective, more peace, and actually enjoy living a fun and exciting life.

Make a commitment to yourself to never let other people’s fear ever stop you from going after anything you desire.

Fail, fuck it up, stumble, and enjoy the ride no matter what the outcome!

Because at the end of the day we are all going to die. And let’s be completely realistic in that the majority of us will be very quickly forgotten, aside from our close family and friends.

I read a powerful statement once that said-



(BOOM Sooooo good right!!).

I implore you to sit with yourself today, and if there is anything, anything, at all you want to do so deeply in your soul, now is the time to do it.

I personally have your back.

If people laugh at you, I’ll cheer for you.

If people doubt you, I’ll believe in you.

If you fail, I’ll help you find perspective.

So here’s a big cheers to me and my less than 1% chance of success

The bigger the task,

the bigger the lessons,

the bigger the obstacles,

the bigger the growth,

the bigger the character,

the bigger the life.

Excited to have you in my world and a part of my journey! Love you guys!! Xxx

With love

I was reflecting today on how I respond to so many of you online. I often write ‘love you’ or ‘miss you’ to many messages and comments even though I barely know them, have never met them, or they are someone from my past that I haven’t see in a long time.

I was thinking in this often disconnected people wonder if I actually mean it, or is it just random ‘nice’ empty words that people say on the internet because it makes them ‘look good’.

It might surprise you that I deeply mean it. In fact that’s what got me thinking about it initially, because as I was writing it yesterday I noticed how much ‘love’ and feel good vibes flowed through my hands as I wrote it. I believe we sometimes as a collective that there are so many beautiful variations of what the word love actually means. And when I say I miss someone, it doesn’t always mean that we may ever see each other again, but I want them to know and feel that their presence in the world is felt, that I value them, and they are ‘missed’. Again, missed is feeling that can take on many meanings

You see even amongst the backdrop of sometimes melancholic world, I genuinely just have love for all humans that I connect with in any form. I feel so much joy and smile in my heart, often get butterflies, or get that strange kind wave of what feels like adrenaline when I write to people, speak to people, or think consciously about them as a living breathing human

They are someone’s father, mother, child, brother, sister, carer, grandma, grandpa, etc, and I have a deep appreciation for how much they are loved and bring joy to someone’s life. I also think about the people I love the most and how I hope everyone is super nice to them in their day, because to me they are so special and they deserve to be treated with that same love and kindness.

I truly want you all to win.

To find joy, peace, fun, and success in your lives in whatever form that looks like to each of you.

I hope you all had a wonderful Monday, no matter what that actually looked like.

Maybe it wasn’t the best ‘feeling’ day or exactly what you want for your life, but I can promise you it was a purposeful day...somewhere in someone’s life you added value, or maybe you are simply adding value to your own. And value comes in many forms, the struggles, the fear, the heartbreak, the joy, the small wins, even stagnancy.

Love you guys!

Happy Sad?

‘Happy Sad’?

Yup it’s a thing.

It’s not depression. It’s not bipolar. It’s not hormones. It’s not ‘smiling’ depression. It's not any kind of imbalances or medical condition.

It’s actually quite the opposite.

It’s a gift.

For years this used to literally confuse that fuck out of me. I know soooo many of you feel me on this! Right?!

You are just a happy person, positive, grateful, driven, optimistic, and appreciative, but against the background of a deeply feeling sad soul.

I used to research for hours looking for ‘happy sad person’ lol.

I found it so perplexing/strange/confusing as to how you could be living a beautiful and content life but at the same time feel this deep sadness for the hurt, lack of humanity, and unkind behaviour going on in society, and around the world.

I was never suicidal but I did often have thoughts of wanting to just float up into the sky and simply resting from this melancholic and heavy feeling. Like a knowing there was a better place and wanting to go back ‘home’.

After starting to make sense of it over time I eventually realised that often the truly (like IMMENSELY) happiest and most at peace people are those who also have the ability to feel hurt and sadness at the deepest level.

I think that’s what makes the joy of life so deep and true, the contrast.

In order to feel and appreciate peace and simplicity, you have to have experienced chaos and overwhelm. And in order to feel a profound level of soul happiness and appreciation for the magnificence of life, you must also be able to feel sadness and hurt to your core.

I believe one of the reasons for this is because it helps the Lightworkers of the world become more in touch with how to help and guide others, and develops even more compassion to hold space for those who need it most. You may never know the feeling of exactly what others are coping with emotionally, yet it gives you a better understanding of how agonising the pain must be.

This understanding and acceptance of the dualities in life is key.

Embracing ALL emotions and using them to find perspective through the reframing of your experiences is a skill and takes conscious effort to create. But once you move through this season and gain wisdom from this often lingering stage, I can promise you that ‘Happy Sad’ is such a beautiful state of emotional balance in your life. It sounds really weird and I don’t have all the answers, so all I can do is speak from my experience, but you eventually begin to enjoy life even more than you could have imagined, you find a really rad sense of tranquillity, a beautiful faith in life, and another level of gratitude for how spectacular life is

Life's Contrasts.

Don’t get me wrong, I see many things that raise red flags, but just because I consider myself ‘awake’ does not mean I suddenly only believe fringe views, extreme ideas, and minority beliefs just to belong in the spiritual and enlightened community.

Trading one closed mindset and blind unawareness for another closed mindset blind unawareness is not the goal. In fact rarely should you meet, or build relationships with people have the EXACT same beliefs across all areas of life. Being molded into a perfect human by a specific community or idols standards is simply another form of being ‘asleep’.

I always wonder what makes people who over time become more ‘conscious/woke/enlightened’ to then again suddenly fall into the path of thinking like others within a different community.

As people start opening their eyes and minds to the world around them and how they have been following along with the greater society without any actual thought, to simply following along a new ‘society’ without any thought. It’s like they leave one place of blindly following to a new more ‘spiritual’ place of blindly following.

As soon as people start seeing things in a new light they go from one extreme to another. It’s incredible the amount of people I see on social media who through the process of ‘ascension’ (the path of those who are choosing to consciously step into a higher level of light) they start to fall in a place of extreme mistrust and looking for evidence of conspiracy and treachery.

So many people want to believe they are critical thinkers, 'individuals', and evolved, yet so many have completely missed the point of the entire reason for spiritual development. It was never about fitting in, which we as humans must acknowledge as we are primed to want to be a part of community.

I completely agree that there is often things going on in society, the world, governments, and industries etc that are underground, sneaky, MSM (main steam media) and not in good standing at all, yet just because we start to learn more about what’s really going on doesn’t mean we should land in a place of fear, panic and worry that everyone is out to get us. It's become common place these days through social media, that once you start questioning things that suddenly you must from that point on only believe in fridge views and those held by the minority.

Be careful and watch out for cognitive bias! What happens when we find something or someone mainstream that we don’t believe fits our moral or ethical code, the goal shouldn’t be to go down a path of only seeking as much information as possible to prove everyone has ulterior motives, the government is out to destroy is, the medical industry is out to kill us, of the media is out to manipulate us. There are truths in all sides.

The world is not full of evil.

The world is not full of lies.

The world is not full of deception.

The world is not full of evil plots.

Of course, there are bad things that happen in the world, but don’t be pulled into a place of helplessness and despair and a life of overwhelming sadness by believing that we are doomed and the world is dominated by evil.

The world is full of so much goodness.

But to appreciate how good it feel to be healthy, at some point you gave to experience illness, pain, or injury.

To appreciate joy and how good it feels to laugh, we must feel sadness.

To appreciate relationships we must experience loneliness and loss.

Life is full of contrast so that we are able to fully embrace what it is to be human, and what it is to feel alive.

Enlightenment, Awakening, Consciousness, Wokeness....

What we need the most is perspective.

Enlightenment, awakening, consciousness, ‘wokeness’. There is so much chasing spiritual goals, but have you noticed that the initial intentions of finding more joy, peace and happiness in life have you now actually resulted in more stress, anxiety, worry and obsession?

Everyone is trying so hard to ‘get there’ and spending so much time overwhelming themselves with ‘the way’ to get there that we have traded one not ideal mindset for another.

It starts with the realisation that life is not what it seems.

You realize that you were blindly following along on autopilot and now feel like you are seeing the world completely differently. Through this you learn about the levels of consciousness and moving from 3D and 4D, and with the goal of ultimately reaching 5D. You start learning, reading, watching, searching, and doing absolutely everything possible to get that ‘place’, but in the journey you start to lose yourself to another form of blindness.

While growing yourself and opening your mind to other ideas is a great pursuit in life, education in the spiritual world can becomes obsession just like anything else. Just like heath, fitness, work, money, beauty etc.

In the past 10 years I have learnt a lot across this area, and sheesh I can tell you I would still have likely only made a small dent. What is truer to me, and honestly what I came back to each moment, is the simplicity of perspective.

You don’t need to be a master, a guru, or perfect spiritual being in any way, other than to always wake up with perspective. It’s seriously that most basic concept and allows you to completely bi-step the entire process of all the fancy schmancy hoodu guru hocus pocus higher level thoughts and trying to make sense of the more often than not most complicated ideas.

When you realise you are going to die one day you can’t help but just be happy and enjoy your life. Perspective.

When you realise that others are in hospitals and palliative care you can’t help but be happy with your body. Perspective.

When you realise that children are being abused, neglected and don’t have access to food, clean water, or shelter, you can’t help but be grateful for a good childhood (not perfect).

When you realise animals are being tortured, burned alive, and harmed. Perspective.

Perspective is the lifeblood of this magical existence.

Haters and Opinions...a new perspective?

We always seem to have this narrative in the ‘positivity’ and self-development world to fuck what the haters think and ignore others ‘opinions’.

While there is a huge amount of truth in that statement (and it is an essential part of living your own best life), there is also another side to that story.

Do you realise that it is important to at times somewhat take into account people’s opinions or advice as they may in fact have something of value to offer?

Of course it’s always nice for people to do it in a constructive way, however there is still something to be said for considering how other people think or what they believe.

Think about your own lifetime. How many times have you changed your perspective and beliefs around things you were once certain about or were unable to comprehend from another person? How many times have you not been completely right?

The ability to continually self-evaluate is crucial to building character and becoming a better person all round, not just for others, but more importantly, yourself.

I pay attention to all information and opinions to enable myself perspective and a well-rounded view on topics, however I am very conscious and careful to what advice and beliefs I take from others.

I have always far more enjoyed posting things that challenge people’s thinking, rather than taking a side. I much prefer encouraging thinking about specific ideas, opinions and belief systems than getting people on board my own.

I find it so interesting to follow educated people, the ‘randoms’, the ones that most would consider ‘crazy’, and those with really next level ideas. For me personally, it keeps my brain pathways firing and allows me to have a greater respect for what we call the ‘truth’.

I understand and acknowledge all points of view and perspective but I honour my own intuition and what feels right for me.

While I hold myself to my own personal standards, I also consider the effect my words, beliefs, and actions have on other people. I answer to my own moral compass and personal core values first and foremost, but I do take some responsibility and consideration for what I bring to people’s lives and what I contribute to the world


Did you post your age???

‘Did you post how old you are?’

That was a question a woman asked me when she saw my Facebook post on my birthday.

I responded ‘yes, of course, why not?’.

She proceeded to tell me how she would NEVER tell anyone her age, and makes effort to hide her actual age due to discrimination

Age discrimination is real. I tend to live a little outside the realms of ‘society’ and am lucky not to completely rely on careers within the ‘system’. Unfortunately, many people who work in jobs they truly love have to endure things like prejudices against their age. It’s really fucked up and I do ‘get it’ some ways.

I get the nice comments-

Wow you don’t look that old.

Wow you look like early 30’s.

Wow you look so good for you age.

While these comments are from a place of kindness I assure you that my body is ageing just like every single other human, and that's ok. Genetics and lifestyles of course do impact the rate individually, but still why do we place so much value on a persons age?

I have more lines in my face.

I have seen some grey hairs (lol rarely because I’m forever changing/colouring my hair but I assure you they are there)

My skin elasticity has definitely changed, especially this past couple of years.

I noticed some skin gathering on top of my knees.

I can see the thinning of the skin on my arms and the small skinfolds in certain positions.

I can see my hands getting the little scales.

But I also see-

I have sooo many beautiful memories and favourite days that I can look back on that make me smile.

I have so many experiences that allow me to enjoy such a great perspective and so much peace in my life.

I have so many accomplishments that prove I have achieved success in my life.

I have had such a range of high and lows that allow me a powerful and reflective mindset to overcome anything that is thrown my way, and these contrasts allow me the ability to truly appreciate the beauty of life.

I am blessed to have spent so many years with loved ones, with hopefully so many more to come.

I can honestly say I have never allowed the age rhetoric to influence my life and I refuse to ever hide my age or be ashamed of the privilege of getting older. I will NEVER support that view of life and engage in it. I believe when we hide or mislead in our age we are fueling our own shame, lying to ourselves, bowing down to idealism (discrimination), and in affect contributing to the problem.

I completely get it, you may lose opportunities. Trust me when I say I have lost out on soooo many opportunities in the health and fitness industry by speaking up and standing in truth and integrity to those people in positions of power. I sacrificed a lot of opportunities by realising that bowing down and following along when I knew there were indiscretions being committed that I would miss out. But I decided nothing was worth me not being truthful to myself. I instead went on to personally create my own opportunities and over time those people have all had to ultimately face their immoral behaviours and everything turned out pretty well for me.

As a community if we as women want change, we must start with ourselves. We must be willing to be proud of who we are and challenge the value placed on us by how we look or how many years we have been on this earth. If you are in a position of influence in any way you must choose to be a part of the change. Where there is option (and of course merit) you should to choose to employ, purchase from, work with, or provide an opportunity for woman over 40 (and men) if they are deserving REGARDLESS of if it costs you slightly more.

People of ALL ages have incredibly unique values, no matter what generation. Every generation has a completely new perspective of the world and is able to see things through an entirely new lens, as we continue to be raised through so many rapid world changes.

No Strategy. No Agenda.

One thing I get asked often is whether I think many people read my longggg ass post captions

My answer is always.

I don't post for people who hate long/short/detailed/empty or any other specific type of captions.

I don't post for people who just want to look at pretty photos.

I don't post to try to make everyone 'like me'.

I don't post to convince anyone of anything.

I don't post to impress anyone.

I also don't post in order to be a social media celebrity.

The purpose of my social media presence is to share with the world what is important to me, my thoughts and what I feel may be helpful to someone. I'm not here for my own ego. Trust me, if that was the case my photos and captions would be completely different

I don't post with a 'strategy' or 'agenda' other than the intention to share knowledge and information that has helped me have better perspective, find more joy and peace in my life, and also just be a positive light in the world for those who need it. I appreciate that I can make a difference to someone's life and it's important that we ALL realise we are an essential piece of the puzzle for creating a new reality for someone out there.

I think there are a lot of people who have great value to the world yet don't stick it out with social media in a genuine way because they feel like they aren't getting anywhere. Just because you don't have high visible engagement through likes and comments does not mean people don't read your work and absolutely adore you

Have you ever considered that it’s all a big game?

Have you ever considered that it’s all a big game?

Everyone is aware how hackers challenge themselves to access the most hardcore private sector, government, websites and data bases for the underground street cred It's literally a game! To see who really is able to beat the system

I often wonder if that is what occurs in some of the most far reaching ideas and theories about what is going on in the world. I mean don’t get me wrong, I am aware that there are plenty of things that go on behind the curtains and what they distracted eye can't see, but in our constant search for truth and understanding could it all be just a big game?

Think about it. For many of those who live and breathe the Internet world and love the challenge it could be entirely possible you have an underground group of people who filter out ideas to see which one ‘takes’. In the same way as the hackers find the challenge to see who can crack the code, these people could sit behind the screens searching for ‘coincidence’ and creating stories of what is really going on to see which one gets traction.

You see we have so many people who believe that the majority of humans are blind/asleep/sheep/not woke etc, as they follow the narrative of the majority.
Yet is it those who are lost?
Or is it just a matter of the minority following a different ‘narrative’ blindly, asleep and like sheep?
I mean really who determines which truth is fact?

While on your enlightened, awakened, conscious journey, don’t forget that swapping one narrative for another doesn’t necessarily mean you are now the one who ‘knows’ and sees all. We must realise that just as many of us have been blinded by society into following their 3D narrative, you may also be blinded by those into following a false 4D narrative.

As you start to see things differently in life and have a better perspective there is an initial place of mistrust, possible fear, and overly critical sense of people and the world in general. When you are in this mindset you can often start to ‘find’ any situation, circumstance, or idea to support your belief that the world is full of evil agendas and people trying to hurt you.

There can be truth found in anything. Especially when you are committed to a certain belief or ‘side’.
Watch for your own bias.
And appreciate that we could literally all just be a part of this crazy ‘game’ to see how much division can be caused through the uptake of information that was simply created to see how far it could

Choosing Calm Over Chaos

What if we viewed this time as a gift?
What if we allowed ourselves to trust?
What is we allowed this time to focus on solidarity?
What if this is a time for us to develop our compassion?

There is currently so much distrust and fear. We have to wonder if it is reasonable?

Or is it due to deeper emotional or spiritual reasons?

Why are some seeing this moment in time as a chance to relax, reassess, take some time out, while others are convinced and looking for others to confirm or support their beliefs that the world, government and people are all working against them, plotting, scheming and working toward destroying our way of life?

What if this experience was actually an opportunity to bring us together, not just as community, a country or region, but as a humanity?

What if this current landscape was actually being presented to us in order to unite us in learning compassion and how it feels to have to give up some things at times in our life for the greater good of people we know, or the world as a whole?

What if this situation is a part of something bigger to create more solidarity and long-term unity as well as appreciation for each other, and is not truly about separating us?

Over my lifetime I have come to appreciate how important perspective is.

Tough times, challenges, hurt, uncertainty and the unknowns in some ways all create a better perspective, so that in time you come out the other side with a clearer view. Sometimes we have to go through the clouds and feel a little lost due to the blurriness in order to come out the other side into clear skies and gain clarity and see the world from new eyes, through a different lens.

I can completely empathize with the ‘missing out’ part, I get that! But isn’t it interesting that almost the entire world has had to go through a shared experience? Everyone has in some way ‘lost’ something. Even those who were financially abundant had to share this experience. You see regardless of wealth; their money almost became in some ways irrelevant. There was no shopping, eating out at fancy restaurants, travelling the world. Even if they shopped online, where would they wear all those expensive outfits?

To jump in the van and go to a nice lake, beach, or check out a new location is a huge part of my life, that I absolutely love. However, Marcus and I truly felt a beautiful sense of liberation and new found freedom from the uncertainty trusting in the belief that no matter what, it all works out ok in the end. Through years of giving more time to our own personal development we were able to embrace the unknown by taking advantage of enjoying the beauty of this unusual adventure and what will unfold.

The past 6 months were definitely not without challenges, and of course we all have moments of overwhelm. Like many we lost 90% of our income within a day. We were living in Sydney for work with no intentions of staying longer than our work commitments and were extremely lucky that our lease had just expired. With the lock down and only essential movement permitted, we made the decision to stay in the van in Canberra with family until we knew what was going to play out. We had no idea when we could get back to Queensland, let alone find a place to live, and replace our lost income. With all the uncertainty over impending lockdowns we left pretty much left immediately and were grateful to have spent the few years prior ‘minimising’ our life.

On the way down of the first trip of the two (3-hour drive), about 45 minutes in, the van literally STOPPED on the highway driving at 110kph. We had to be towed off the highway and let’s just say the next 2 days were a mess dealing with 5 mechanics on trying to diagnose the problem. In the end we had to delay our move for a week as the turbo needed replacing (haha that wasn’t cheap). In the end we made it, settled in best we could and decided to view it as our ‘10 year long service leave’ (being business owners of so many years haha). Our days were really simple. Stretching, as there were no gyms. Going for massive walks with the dogs each day and exploring new paths with no time restrictions. Cooking every meal at home. And probably a bit (lot) too much Netflix. After 4 months we finally had a home and just made it back to QLD before updated border restrictions.

Amongst that we had so many other things pop up, including health problems for people we love and cherish dearly. Even with choosing to enjoy life and find happiness we, like everyone else, we dealt with many challenges along the way. I remind myself often to live with the perspective that no matter what happens it all works out in the end, exactly as it is supposed to.

I guess you can say we made the choice back in March to choose calm over chaos and we did just that.
To embrace the time out and relish in this new way of living. For as long as it lasts

Triggered? Projecting? Asleep?

Has anyone else noticed lately how many of the ‘spiritual’ folk completely missed the mark on their rather newish personal development journey?

It’s become readily apparent that the idea of being conscious/woke/awakened/enlightened as a concept of belonging and a ‘status’, has become more important than the actual knowledge gained or the attainment of true understanding

Not everyone is ‘triggered’ or ‘projecting‘ or ‘asleep’, or whatever other term is trending that everyone is currently regurgitating. Remember when ‘hater’ was THE THING Every time someone shared an opposing opinion or idea, they were a hater lol

Look I get it, some people are simply jealous or nasty and hide behind fake profiles to write totally inappropriate comments to instigate hatred and create drama. Butttt lately, literally every time someone writes a different opinion these days or offers their point of view on a public profile, all the supposed ‘conscious’ crew default mention of how ‘triggered’ that person must be or how they are ‘projecting’ their insecurities and issues. Whilst in some cases there is truth to that, many people need to realise that just because people see things differently, don't believe the same things as you, or offer differing opinions doesn’t mean they have ‘issues’.

I’m amazed how many people do a ‘bit’ of reading towards empowering themselves on their own personal self-development journey or spiritual path who become so self-righteous about their new found beliefs and their apparent vast psychological knowledge. People all of a sudden become ‘spiritual’ and then anything they say, do or write that you don’t agree with makes you ‘asleep’.

I never want to be so ‘enlightened’, ‘woke’, or ‘conscious’ that I become so self-absorbed to not consider potentially good criticism, or start to believe I am special enough that people are so ‘triggered’ by little old me, rather than actually considering their response, whether I agree or not.

There are often times in our life that people aren’t necessarily being ‘triggered’ or ‘projecting’ their issues onto us, but sometimes perhaps, JUST PERHAPS, we are behaving in a way that is questionable, or our beliefs are inconsistent, unsupported or unreliable? If it is completely authentic and you are just slaying at life ‘doing you’ unapologetically…..then carry on, but if you are so ‘triggered’ by people that you are now ‘projecting’ back at those them (see what I did there lol), maybe you in fact have deeper underlying issues as to why their comments or behaviours are bothering you so much?

Money Talk

You can be just as miserable with an income of $1,000,000 a year, as someone with an income of $30,000 a year.

You can also be as just as happy with an income of $30,000 a year as someone with an income of $1,000,000.

Determining your monetary needs is about finding what fits and feels right for you, and what supports you in your life. It’s not about reaching society’s determination of what success means

If you are a person hustling like hell for your entire life to have the big pay checks, the massive house, expensive cars, fancy clothes and materialistic items, but this is not what you TRULY want or what you need in YOUR life, you will constantly struggle to find any real peace of joy in your life.

If you are just a cruiser and make a low income that doesn’t support your life and your ambitions, who never pursues your big hopes and dreams out of fear of judgement and failure, you will also find it difficult to have true peace and joy in your life.

You see it’s not just about the money you make, but how you make it. It’s not about how much, but what you need access to in order to fulfil your purpose in this lifetime. It is about what sacrifices are you required to make, or perhaps NOT, in order to live the life meant for you.

If you have big epic things to do in life and you feel deep inside yourself that a big income is required for you to reach all your life’s outcomes and it just ‘fits’, then don’t settle for an average income. Make the effort to step up and reach your goals, and seriously disregard the opinions and advice from people who don't understand your deepest desires. Staying comfortable and hiding away with a churning heaviness that gives you anxiety because you know you should be doing something else, something more is not serving you.

If you are chasing all the glory but away from societal ideals and status you know deep down it doesn’t feel right and you don’t truly care about expensive things, and you don’t require massive amounts of money to live a good life, then stop torturing yourself and do what feels good in your heart. Give up the illusion that to be successful and happy you must make a tonne of money at the expense of living a comfortable life that is well enriched with what you need.

You see there is really no right or wrong, or determined level of success or happiness with money. It’s simply finding what fits with YOU and serves you in a way you can live YOUR ideal life in a way that brings YOU the most joy

What do we mean 'Consciousness'?

Imagine doing all this apparent spiritual work over the years and finally opening your mind, ascending to a supposed new area of consciousness, perspective, understanding, and 'greater' knowing, only to arrive at a place where you are completely pre-occupied with a distrust of humanity, the government, the medical industry and the world in general, which ultimately leaves you living in a state of constant worry, fear and overwhelm that THEY are all working against us to harm, poison, destroy and kill us.

It’s really interesting isn’t it?

So many now talk of society’s manipulation and brainwashing to have you chasing things that you don’t truly need in order to feel happy, worthy and successful. The 3rd dimension is the perceived place of ‘brainwashed’ which is somewhat true, yet those who move past this societal ‘normal’ to a better perspective and understanding of their lives, who they are, and the world around them, often end up in another new world of ‘brainwash’. It’s the extremes I always like people to really think about. It’s the balance. It’s the critical thinking. It’s the care and conscious effort to being informed, without the obsession and striving to feel more evolved, holier-than-thou, and ‘privy to special information’.

It’s an interesting time right now.

It’s interesting watching people on social media and their response to the coronavirus, isolation, and new (changing/evolving) world we are currently living.

What is really surprising to me is how many of the spiritual, woke, enlightened and other self-proclaimed conscious ones among us are showing up.

The shift from a more leaning 3D world to a 4D one, and ultimately 5D level of consciousness is a wonderful thing, but it’s very apparent so many of those who feel they have had this experience haven’t yet realised they are still being driven still by the ego, although in a different direction.

There are many ideas and theories floating around right now. So many people for far too long have been stuck in a world obsessed with status, appearance, materialistic stuff, etc. The rise to a 4D perspective is great for all of us, yet I have noticed that many who think they are now ‘wiser’ are convinced they are suddenly an ‘elevated being’ in the 5D, yet in fact they are actually now obsessed with the ‘betterness’ of their new mindset and awakening, which again means they are still stuck in a fixed and ego based mind.

Spirituality is about knowing ourselves. Understanding the world around us. Finding more peace and enjoying life with real appreciation for all things experienced and what makes us human. It’s about oneness and understanding perspectives, but not becoming brainwashed in a whole new way to misguidedly fit into some newly discovered and now perceived better ‘clique’.

So, imagine moving towards this goal and now being convinced the world, the government, the medical industry is all convoluting in ways to harm us, destroy us, and essentially ruin us?

Look I am the most open minded person around. My life philosophy for a long time I recently shared in a post-

"There is a beautiful space in between ‘living in the real world’ and being ‘a dreamer’. Living in the real world means you are self-aware and you realise you are required to be a part of society and in some aspects ‘fit in’. You never want to be too much of a ‘realist’ though as you will end up living a life without any magic and miss out on all the fun and opportunities available in the world.

Being a dreamer is a beautiful thing that allows your mind to play, visualise and discover the enchantment of imagination.

Everything in the world starts with wonder, yet you also understand that anything you want in life is not just mindset and manifestation, but also requires actual aligned action.

Another example in life where sometimes it’s in our advantage be a balance of both" #lifephilosophy

I love the areas personal development, science, spiritual, emotional, psychological work, but I feel like so many people get lost a little deep in the so-called rabbit hole and then make it their new identity. I can understand why people think those people are a little crazy, and as a result want to stay well away from expanding their knowledge in these areas, even though they would greatly benefit exploring these insights. In all honesty I have seen so many people over the years think they are a little better than others as they discover a whole new way of existing. They try to elevate and separate themselves from the apparent ‘sleeping’ people by making others feel like they are inferior and that they have some exclusive information that is only available to the ‘special’ people. I never want to be so spiritually enlightened or woke that I can’t connect and appreciate others, or spend time with and be courteous with my family, friends, and other human beings, regardless of how much ‘work’ they apparently need to do on themselves. Your personal spiritual growth should be more about being a better person, rather than trying to ‘better others’ or being better than them.

Regardless of which side of the fence you are on when it comes to controversial topics, hear this…. being ‘woke’, ‘awake’, ‘open your eyes’ does NOT equal to the belief in either 5G or not, anti/pro-vaccination, BLM/ALM, pandemic/scamdemic etc Regardless of what all these apparent enlightened humans claim! Don’t be misled to think you must believe the same things that the majority of these communities believe in order to be aware of what is really going on in the world. Awareness does not always have to equate to suddenly ONLY believing in fringe views. You can be acutely conscious and choose to believe something different to the so called ‘woke’ people or their communities.

Consciousness doesn’t mean believing what the MAJORITY OR MINORITY thinks. It having enough self-awareness/spiritual development to create your OWN unbiased views through research, evidence and intuition to formulate and create your own ideas. It means thinking for yourself and coming to your own conclusions. It means that throughout your life you should RARELY be in any group, community, friendship, relationship or setting where you completely agree with 100% of what their beliefs and opinions are in all circumstances.

Stay woke folks

The rise of the new (un) conscious.

The rise of the new (un) conscious.

The world and the way we live has changed so much these past few months and with that has been both good, and some challenging (edit: eeek…6 months now).

For around the past 10 years I shifted from predominately reading about physical health and nutrition, to spending more time reading and learning about spiritual development, general mindset, and understanding the world and why we humans behave the way we do. I actually almost studied psychology (along with about 50 other degrees) as I just love learning about how the mind works, human behaviour and often using that understanding to help people.

By now many of you may have some knowledge of the concepts of dimensions. Now for those who don’t I’m going to give you a basic reminder breakdown in a way that is simple to understand, uncomplicated, and try not to present myself self as some kind of guru who has special access to information that others in the circle can’t access.

Basically dimensions are levels or consciousness, or awareness. The main ones to understand at the human level here on earth are the 3D, 4D, and 5D.

As a reminder from my more detailed post the other day they can be summarized as follows:

3D = we are pre-occupied with how we look to the outside world and are consumed with materialistic stuff.
4D = we become self-righteous and consumed with the spiritual stuff.
5D = we find a beautiful harmonious balance between living in the real world and still being a dreamer by guiding our own spiritual and life path in a way that feels authentic, whilst allowing others the same grace.

There are so many incredible benefits to this whole coronavirus situation we are experiencing. Of course, the number of deaths is so fucking tragic It is also important to appreciate even if it doesn’t directly affect one of your loved ones, that so many people have lost fathers, mothers, grandparents, sons, daughters etc.

Now while this mass awakening and earth ascension is going to do wonderful things for so many of us, we need to be careful of the ego arising in those claiming to be so ‘woke’ and ‘awake’ and dismissing those who don’t have the same beliefs as ‘sheep’

This past few weeks (again…eeek 6 months now), I have literally seen HUNDREDS of posts and ‘insta-stories’ sharing and promoting new information (that may or may not be true…..because let’s all be completely honest and transparent here...none of you REALLY truly know, myself included, beyond any reasonable doubt) with mostly biased thoughts, ideas, in regards to what you have now only recently discovered, alongside ‘polls’ and ‘questions’ insinuating that you ‘EITHER BELIEVE ME’ or ‘YOU ARE SLEEPING/A SHEEP’.

What people who are only just being exposed to these concepts of dimensions, or those who are still on their journey fail to understand, is that being truly ‘awakened’ means NOT judging others based on one’s own ‘rightness’ (especially when smugly regulating the morals of others), and NOT being intolerant towards the opinion of others. 5D and spirituality is NOT about being better, knowing more, or judging those who are different to you, including belief systems.

In fact I’ve noticed most of the people claiming this new awareness and declarations of spiritual and intellectual superiority, not only perceive themselves to now suddenly be of a higher order and a first-rate thinker, but they are mostly just ‘reposting’ information they have come across on other social media pages. It’s simply in many circumstances just another example of the lack of critical thinking, yet they seem to scream the loudest that they ‘KNOW’ the facts because they are now using their critical thinking skills?

There are VERY few people who are sharing these types of posts that have actually looked beyond the ‘bandwagon’ as much as they claim to, and many (ok, most) don’t even properly construct a post, article, or conversation piece with their OWN thoughts, in their OWN words, or what they have discovered and concluded from their OWN perspective. They are just simply regurgitating the exact same information through a shared ‘meme’, post, article or You Tube video. Now I am not saying it’s wrong to ‘share’ things you like or agree with in some instances, but to provoke ‘dialogue’ and ‘open conversation’ that everyone seems to be claiming, it makes more sense to me that if I am truly passionate about something (beyond virtue signalling and group think) that I would want to use my own mind and voice to offer my personal perspective, as opposed to constantly using everyone else’s exact points and words There seems to be almost no-one sharing their constructed thoughts, just an easy ‘copy and paste’ or ‘share’ paired with a passive aggressive sentence or two of why you are right.
So it intrigued me, and something to maybe consider is….are THEY the ‘sheep’ or are YOU the ‘sheep’?

Accusing people of being still ‘asleep’ or not ‘woke’ as you now claim to be is not at all in line with any sort of true consciousness and ascension if that’s what ‘club’ you now want to be part of. It simply becomes about a spiritual ranking.

True spiritual development is about only you, not how you compare with others. It has nothing to do with hierarchy or what you apparently know in comparison to others. It’s a personal journey of discovering who you are and to better understand the world around you. It’s not at all about how woke/conscious/awake someone is just to purportedly prove that your new ideas/information/beliefs are right and others are wrong.

I think it’s really wonderful so many people will now experience a shift in consciousness and will see the world in a completely new way with a renewed perspective, but with care and kindness I do suggest and recommend that before you start sharing all these new discoveries, you take some time to read, research and educate yourselves on these theories (or facts) so you can truly get the most benefit and peace for your life

For me personally, whenever I come across a new word/idea/information that’s peaks my interest, I further investigate. I will initially just google and read at least the first 10-15 pages (if not more) around the topic to get a broad idea of what I’m looking at. Then I typically purchase books around the topic, or look to some experts in that arena if applicable. I look to all sources to keep an open mind and also ensure I review ALL opposing points of view so I can then make my own decisions on what holds true to be. I ONLY share what I feel I have very reasonable confidence for and not anything that could be harmful, misleading or manipulative on controversial topics if I have still doubts, and if I did I would say clearly these are ‘my thoughts’ and what ‘I am thinking’, but acknowledge truthfully I can’t be 100% as yet, so please don’t take my thoughts as gospel.

I think where you find rationality is in the middle of all the extremes and sides. People who tend to believe they are the most woke and have access to special information are actually very similar to those who believe everything society tells then or they read in mainstream media. Without realizing it BOTH become ‘followers’ and live in such similar states of overwhelm and life consuming fear whilst sitting at opposite ends of the spectrum. Those who truly find balance through their own personal development, soul searching and growth can be in amongst the same chaos and still remain calm. So many who think they are ‘there’ (5D or whatever you wish to refer to it as) are in fact just as far from the ‘thereness’ than those living in the 3D mindset.

I also do completely understand the rhetoric of people being responsible for what they consume and yes, I somewhat agree, BUT I don’t think it’s entirely reasonable to simply dismiss any responsibility. I understand the notion of people’s right to freedom of speech (which is technically for the citizens on the USA), but I have noticed in the age of social media we have all become accustomed to shouting so loudly about our rights, with little to no acknowledgement or regard for our responsibilities?

When we get to a place where we remove all our own self-awareness and replace it only with our rights, we enter a dangerous place for not only our own community and the greater world, but ourselves. We need to be acutely aware of our individual influence, power, and the effects of our written and spoken words. It’s not simply a case of ‘freedom to say and do as you please’ as it is 'your life' with no concept of the repercussions of your actions. In fact why can’t we simply state our opinions, ideas, and beliefs from a INTRIGUED and CONVERSATIONAL standpoint instead of a self- proclaimed expert’?

Spiritual Development?

So many people seem to be going through a spiritual journey and (perceived) awakening to end up becoming someone they are not

It really goes completely against the fundamentals about what the goals of spirituality are, which is to ultimately get to know yourself and become more of your true yourself. Yet, everyone seems more pre-occupied and lost in becoming more of what and who they still think they should be, but now within the spiritual world and community in ‘place of’ the regular world of status and materialism.

The goal is not to become more of what you aren’t in order to fit a new idea of what it means to be a conscious, spiritual, awakened person. The goal is to become more of you regardless of what part of your journey you are experiencing.

Working on your spiritual development does not mean having to worship crystals.
Working on your spiritual development does not mean reading tarot cards.
Working on your spiritual development does not mean dressing a certain way and rejecting the clothing or brands you truly love.
Working on your spiritual development does not mean you have to have dreadlocks, smoke weeds and take ayahuasca trips.
Working on your spiritual development does not mean you have to find the most outrageous concepts and ideas to believe in when they don’t truly resonate with you and your truth.
Working on your spiritual development does not mean you have to gain membership or acceptance from ‘cliques’.
Working on your spiritual development does not mean you have to compete with others and be ‘right’.
Working on your spiritual development does not mean you have to become Vegan.
Working on your spiritual development is not trying to only find people who are ‘like-minded’ and share your beliefs exclusively.

Think of spirituality as a new way of gaining perspective that will enable you to find more meaning, hope, comfort and peace in your life. It can be developed through art, reading, nature, music, yoga, surfing, meditation, or spending time cultivating your values and principles.

If this year had taught us anything as a collective, it has been that life is full of up and downs, good times and bad. In some ways you can take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Many times, in life we experience challenges and tragedies, but much of the struggle comes from the feeling of having to go through it alone. 2020 I like to believe has given us an opportunity to take some time out to focus on our spirituality, if you allow it. By investing in ourselves spiritually we can prepare ourselves for future hardships through relieving some of our dependence on material things we don’t really need, allowing us the ability to cope better with change and uncertainty, as well as feeling more connection to our own truths and what truly matters in life.

In light of all the craziness going on in the world it is a great time to practice looking for the good in others. I know, I know, lol some people just suck! BUT the most important thing you can do is regulate your own experiences and reactions. Having compassion for other people is a game changer when you can learn to see everyone as, (like you), a complex human who is worthy of kindness. Try to not assume you know how other people feel, and in place make efforts to fully appreciate how they describe their experience. Whether online or in person refrain from always having to say what you want to say, as often it is simply better to just read or listen and take other’s perspectives into account. Open yourself up to imagine what a situation or life might be for them

Shifting from 3D to 5D Consciousness

It’s been a minute
Well actually May 1st makes it 168 days.
Almost half a year!

This ended up being a huge post kiddo’s, so enjoy.

I originally wrote this post back in 2016! It’s so strange that I used to talk to my clients about these topics to complete their ‘health’ journey with me (note: health is physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, financial etc), but for whatever reason I never actually posted. I have done this numerous times over the years as I drop in and out of the social media world, and even though I do feel at the time it’s exactly what is needed to be shared to help others make more sense of the world, to gain a better perspective, and find more peace and joy in their lives….for whatever reason it doesn’t always happen that way. It’s like the words are one day discovered again amongst my packed writings in the ‘notes’ app of my phone, yet they are only posted when MY people are waiting to hear them. Clearly 2016 was not the right time for these words to be read, and although they have been adapted to suit this current moment in time, understanding this can truly impact your life no matter what age you are, what year we are in, or particular life point you are experiencing, and it will continue to whenever your mind and soul is ready and open for personal growth.

By this stage I think everyone has been feeling that there has been shift occurring over the past 6 months. A kind of ‘global upgrade’ as many refer to it.

It has kind of been forced upon us as humanity.

There is this one ‘thing’ going on right now that lot of those in the spiritual world are referring to as ascension or consciousness, which is another way of saying ‘an awakening’.
Awakening is simply defined as,
•an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something.
•the act of starting to understand something or feel something.
•a recognition, realisation, or coming into awareness of something.

Okkkkayyy, so before moving on realise that for many this kind of information and these topics can seem really ‘woo-woo’ and uncomfortably challenge people’s minds, especially when the hard-cores, ‘gurus’ and ‘newly ‘awakened’ ones of the spiritual or new age teachings try to share these concepts. With of course good intentions, in the beginning stages of learning new information (and often with those who ‘think’ they are enlightened) people often default to becoming esoteric. Esoteric basically involves people only speaking in rarely used words or in ways that require a certain pre-requisite level of understanding to be part of this perceived ‘exclusive club’ and ‘limited circle’. Unfortunately for many this is simply a new form of ego and actually works against their message.

I know I am often very absent on social media but one of things I love most in life is helping people find more perspective, more joy, and more peace in life. The teacher in me is CONSTANTLY learning. I would say I am deeply introspective (haha often times a little too much!). Finding all these things in life is wonderful for your own well-being, yet nothing fills you with more value and purpose than sharing the ‘deep thinking next level stuff’ or the ‘not common knowledge’. The challenge is, in most cases in order to be able to translate this ‘cool new shit’ into super simple ways so the everyday person who has had no knowledge or previous exposure to this stuff can benefit, and gain an appreciation and understanding you have to live it, feel it, and embody it.

I am really grateful I was exposed to so much spiritual and personal development early in my 30’s. Having experienced some of these processes personally has given me the beautiful ability to share insights and hopefully help or support others through this rapid shift in the new way of life. Look, I realise I am not an expert and I am slack on these networks, but hear this, while social media is a beautiful way to add value to the world, nothing is more powerful than adding value to those around you personally, in private messages, and what you do behind the scenes every day.

I know I have mentioned many time before that I honestly don’t aspire to be ‘popular’ or any kind of ‘new age thought leader’. I am not looking to be accepted into any circles or groups, as I only share my thoughts or what I have learned in order to reach those who need it most, add perspective or give value to make someone else’s life a little easier/better. These last two months (6 now) I have written a HEAP of posts, and while editing them I felt it was a good idea to do a bit of a ‘background’ post with this old archived post to set up a bit of a foundation in order for those who don’t know me privately or haven’t worked with me personally, to better understand some of my future posts. For those of you who haven’t read, heard, or have any knowledge on these topics I hope you enjoy it.

Around 6/7 years ago I came across this stuff randomly and spent a huge amount of time reading books and learning about these spiritual based topics. It’s actually reallyyyyy cool stuff and can bring a huge amount of peace to your life through gaining a better understanding of yourself, others and the world around you. I think many people miss out this incredible stuff as they get turned off by so many trying to make it seem like it’s only for a specific type of person, or for those who must have eaten way too many mushrooms or taken too many Ayahuasca trips. The funny thing is, everyone who has access to this knowledge wants everyone else to know about it, yet they seem to have to make it into such a ‘pimped out’ version that is presents as super exclusive, and implies that they are an overzealous expert. Listen, you don’t have to be a hippy or dress a certain way to understand it, appreciate it, and as a result have it make a positive impact on your life. Of course, you can go DEEP lol, but I truly believe understanding anything comes down to simplicity

The foundation understanding that we need to have is that LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS (typically referred to as dimensions), are not places you go, but just levels of awareness/awakening, in the simplest explanation.
Let’s keep it super simple at 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions!

We are all essentially experiencing the same ‘reality’, regardless of what ‘dimension’ we are living from, but the way we ‘perceive’ it is completely different. In each dimension as we go to a ‘new level’, there exists a clearer perspective of reality and a greater level of knowing and understanding. You can live in multiple dimensions simultaneously, or float between two. I know I move between the 4th and 5th dimensions. Most days I am 5th and have a wonderful perspective and fucking love life in totality. Some days though I get pissed off at stupid shit, the world, humanity, and judge people who irritate me hahaha #notaguru #yuphuman

The world has for a long time been idling in the 3rd dimension for the majority. This is where we are basically in a state of ‘autopilot’. The explosion and super-fast growth of social media over the past few years really enhanced this obsession and unhealthy focus in what everyone else has, and what everyone is doing. What we ‘see’ and value most in this state is superficial. We see ourselves as separate and think it’s appropriate to judge people based on the colour of their skin, age, gender, body type, financial status etc. People living from this perspective seek happiness and fulfilment from things like money, material possessions, relationships, and physical attributes. They tend to sit in a space of ‘I am in competition with everyone and in order to ‘make it’ (so I can get my share of abundance), I do whatever it takes, regardless of who I step on or who I hurt as long as I to get what I want.’

The fourth dimension is regarded as the ‘bridge’ or ‘purifying filter’ to the fifth dimension and has a kind of two-part phase. Typically something occurs like a death, major life changes, traumas, tragedies, life-threating illness, divorces, or other significant life event or crisis (eg COVID-19), that jolts us in a way that leaves us to questioning our old beliefs, habits, and social conditioning, and we begin to see that there is much more to life than what we thought.

During the initial phase you start question everything and see things with a new perspective and more clarity. Many will go through this period experiencing chaos, confusion and disorientation. It often involves a lot of anger and resentment for society and those who you feel lied to you, implanted these belief systems, and led you down the path of ‘following along’ and ‘fitting in’.

Like the 3rd dimension, comparison and judgement still exist however with more ‘spiritual’ themes…..think self- righteousness. You start to smugly describe yourself as ‘awake’ while judging those you feel are ‘asleep’ and become intolerant to the opinions or behaviour of others, more so with those who see things differently (you probably noticed this a lot lately). A spiritually themed ego arises and we become pre-occupied with discovering ulterior motives, evil plots and secret plans to harm us and feel an urgency to warn others.

As we move though this phase there becomes more love and gratitude. You begin to crave a totally different lifestyle from what you were used to in the third dimension as you experience a shift from materialistic pursuits, to instead pursuing knowledge and understanding. Self-awareness develops and you recognise the fact that you need to work on yourself, always keep an open mind, and also importantly, that you need to learn to forgive. You start to realise that whatever affects one of us, effects of all of us and as humanity we must cooperate to create a better Earth for the good of all (Think COVID19).

The fifth dimension is where we live from our heart and instead of being constantly overwhelmed and living in a state of helplessness with trying to change the world, you begin to heal yourself. There is a realisation that the darkness you see in the world is a direct reflection of the shadow that still exists inside you. The ego and judgments start fading away while the love and light within you grows and translates into compassion and understanding. You begin to accept yourself, and others, as ever changing and use discretion in what you spend your time and energy on, knowing that you ultimately hold all the power to ‘create’ your own perception of reality. Nothing is inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and you are able to see things in a new way that reflects lessons, experiences and allows the beauty of contrast. Memories can be accessed if there is a need to but there is no dwelling in the past in the 5th dimension, it is all about the living in present moment.
You experience life in a newly found state of calm, peace, appreciation and joy.

In summary:
3D = we are pre-occupied with how we look to the outside world and are consumed with materialistic stuff.
4D = we become self-righteous and consumed with the spiritual stuff.
5D = we find a beautiful harmonious balance between living in the real world and still being a dreamer by guiding our own spiritual and life path in a way that feels authentic, whilst allowing others the same grace.

Everything goes in cycles and our collective greed, lack of appreciation, taking advantage of each-other, nature and our planet, alongside our take, take, take behaviours are coming to end (I am not naïve and of course these behaviours will never be completely eradicated….a whole otherrrr post). This pandemic has literally smashed us all in the face to start paying attention in the ways we each individually need it most. The beauty is that there has been a huge percentage of the population shifting through and towards the 4th and 5th dimensions due to the virus. Just look at the traction and awareness it has given to importance of physical health, community, relationships, simplicity, minimalism, plant-based nutrition, personal development, mental health, financial health, multiple income streams etc

I often say….’the wonderful thing about social media is it’s given every single person a ‘voice’ and a platform’, yet the absolute worst thing about social media is that it’s given every single person a ‘voice’ and a ‘platform’. So, whilst yes there is unfortunately is a whole lot of challenges for many people that we are facing as a collective (and of course acknowledging the tragedy of the huge loss of life), there is also a wonderful opportunity as we are all pulled towards more enlightenment and mind expanding stuff

Missed you all! Lots of posts to come xxx

(PS now we are many of you actually read my longggg ass posts?????)

Coronavirus Perspectives

No amount of materialistic possessions (eg fancy shoes, cars, jewellery, clothing, the latest gadgets, holidays, or even houses) that are beyond your financial means will EVER bring you as much joy, happiness, peace of mind, and FREEDOM than having no debt will. Fact!

In light of these recent events surrounding the corona virus, while any unnatural loss of life is tragic, there is a wonderful shift occurring that has pretty much been forced upon us all as a collective. Perspective matters. While we all are experiencing the same ‘reality’ on some level, the way we perceive it is going to be completely different. The beautiful thing is we have a choice to take on this experience with enthusiasm and grace. If you allow yourself to appreciate that obtaining greater levels of knowing and understanding is developed through challenges and obstacles, there also exists a much clearer perspective of life and your reality.

This virus has caused so much chaos, stress, worry and some massive adjustments for so many people. Within a couple of weeks it created a completely new way of life from what we are used to, for the majority of us living in the western world. If we pay attention and do not get caught up in helplessness and overwhelm it can be a beautiful opportunity to re-evaluate our lives and make some changes for a better and more peaceful future filled with more happiness.

Having a glimpse around social media I have noticed some common themes in which we can really use this time to take away some valuable new insights and perspectives.

1. Health- It has been unbelievable the amount of people who are now concerned with their health status and I have witnessed literally hundreds of posts and comments where so many people have been racing around trying to ‘boost’ their immune system, improve their general health, wanting to start to exercise, incorporate vitamins and minerals etc. What a beautiful lesson this is for all of us to consistently take more care of ourselves and make our health and fitness a priority. It has forced many of us to slow down and also allowed us more time to pay attention to our health regimes. On the other hand, it has forced many of those whose bodies are likely in great need of some rest and relaxation some time away from the gym and hard-core training programs. For many of those people it has granted them time to shift the focus from their physique obsession towards other necessary, yet often neglected components of physical health, like mobility, flexibility, meditation, in addition to their spiritual health.

2. Debt - How many are way (WAY) over-committed from careless and mindless overspending and are now in a financial crisis with huge (or many) repayments after having their work hours reduced or losing their income completely? It is such a beautiful time to not live in regret or completely breakdown, but reassess spending habits and trying to figure out why we have been living a life way beyond our means, whether due to social media, keeping up appearances, ego, or just attempting to fill an empty emotional void with ‘stuff’ as a distraction. It’s time we all started being true to ourselves and taking pride and ownership of where we are currently at with our income levels. It is so much more important to have self-respect and being of higher human value, as opposed to the lure of looking good to others and attempting to ‘fit in’ with people who aren’t truly our people.

3. Multiple income streams – How many people for years mocked, laughed and made things really uncomfortable for those who chose a different profession like direct selling, network marketing, affiliate marketing, or other side hustles? I am personally involved in these other industries, and although I never got attacked or belittled (well to my face or that I was aware of LOL), I have witnessed so many people miss out on opportunities because they were too concerned about what others would say or think, or just simply had better things to do than invest a few hours a week to create something better for their lives. That one thing really breaks my heart and likely a big part of why I have always chosen to be a teacher, coach, and mentor. People lacking belief or not chasing their own dreams, or giving up on their vision for their life because of other people’s opinions is honestly really devastating to witness. The virus was a huge sign that the world is changing and you are severely limiting yourself if you do not keep an open mind and start moving with the times. Of course you need to be smart, whether it’s creating your own side income, a network marketing company, direct selling, offering coaching, or in general looking for ways to expand online, but we have now all seen how many people across numerous industries lost their entire incomes in an instant! Jobs and professional careers are brilliant if you absolutely love and adore what you do, but NEVER limit yourself to a single income stream, as no-one is ever completely safe or secure from losing their livelihood. It is a beautiful time to be willing to learn from ‘those people’ (lol) and maybe invest some time and money into creating other income streams.

4. Savings- Wealth they say is how many weeks you can survive without your pay check. Let’s be honest here, we have witnessed that fact that most of the population actually live week to week and literally can’t survive beyond one, maybe two weeks. It’s such a beautiful time to reassess your spending habits and instead of all those ‘Afterpay’ purchases, outfit and technological upgrades you start shifting your money to instead building an emergency account. When I was still personal training and coaching competition girls I would always encourage my clients to aim to save at least $10,000 and keep it aside at all times for back up.

5. Where can we slow down and actually live again- How many people have been smashing around 10000 miles an hour on autopilot for many years that they have forgotten how to live and actually have fun and truly enjoy life? What a beautiful time it is to re-assess the flow of your life and see where you have been distracted to what really matters in life, and what being ‘engaged’ in life actually means. As adults we become so disengaged with play, imagination, and dreaming. We completely forget about the joy in creativity through nature, arts, crafts, reading, writing, music, home cooking, growing vegetables, and hobbies. We spend our time aimlessly scrolling social media, watching TV, shopping, which none of these things are inherently bad, yet if they are dominating your days at the expense of real connection and engagement then maybe it’s time to take a break and try something new with yourself, your family, or friends. Remember, you can live in the real world and still be a dreamer #whatatimetobealive

PS...I haven't had a Brix selfie with me foreverrrr! haha He is still as stubborn AF and intentionally turns his face away from the phone!

Is school a waste of time?

Algebra, Quadratic Equations, Parabolas etc

I see so many people criticise schools and specific subjects.
“What’s the point?”
“I’m going to do this particular job so I don’t even need this?”
“All these years later, and I still haven’t needed this stupid (insert activity)”

When we are younger we all think school sucks (lol) and question everything as to why we have to do ‘this boring stuff’, yet over time my opinion changed when I realised just how important these skills are alongside critical thinking.

I still notice so many adults who have not come to appreciate how necessary these parts of the curriculum are. They may not seem ‘applicable’ to most people’s future career choices directly. However, what we need to realise is that it’s not just the actual content being taught that is of value, but the skills we develop when being exposed to and engaging in mental challenges, alongside the benefits of discipline of having to often do things in essential things in life that you may not always be motivated to do.

Now, while I completely agree we could enhance and add some other important areas of knowledge and development, especially around life skills and personal development (so needed right now), being exposed to these so called ‘random’ things are a really important part of our education.

When we are required to attempt activities we aren’t typically good at we have to learn new ways of applying our current knowledge, logic and reasoning. It challenges our minds to develop, process, and build on our critical thinking skills (which is disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence). It also requires us to be in uncomfortable positions which is so necessary for growth.

To develop resilience we need to be outside our comfort levels.
To develop confidence we need to try things we aren’t naturally good at.
To develop perseverance we need to experience new concepts and ideas.
To develop self-reliance we need to have the opportunity to overcome adversity.
To develop patience and problem solving skills we need to do things that take us time to understand.
To develop the ability to cope under pressure we need to do things that frustrate us.
To develop self-awareness we need to learn we need to be experience difficult situations.
To develop the courage we need to have moments where we are required to ask for help or push ourselves deeper to search for answers.
To develop strength of character we need to sometimes struggle.

Never be too quick to disregard any experience or in life.
There are so many circumstances in life that offer us incredible opportunities to evolve and flourish, even in what may seem the most irritating, senseless, unusual, disheartening, painful, uneasy, annoying, seemingly useless ways.

Role Models?

I was asked the question the other day on a post who my role models were, or who the person/s I draw most influence from, more specifically who was my ‘main influence’.
Firstly, my response was that I was probably better doing a video about this topic 😂
Here is a quick breakdown that may be of help:

🌸I actually don’t have ‘role models’ or have any one/or few people I put on a pedestal.

🌸I have read, and still read a lot of books on an unlimited variety of topics to keep my mind challenged to new ideas and information.

🌸I also search online whatever peaks my interest at the time and review a heap of points of reference to get a better, and more complete, understanding of a topic or idea.

🌸I follow the most (THE MOST) random people from all different walks of life’s, backgrounds and belief systems to avoid myself becoming dogmatic.

🌸I don’t like following specific people with adoration (eg. worship) as I find it dangerous to your own personal core values.

🌸I actually don’t vibe with the concept of only surrounding yourself entirely with ‘like-minded’ people, as I don’t believe we must agree with everyone on every single topic, nor do I believe people who don’t share similar beliefs have nothing to offer (I’ll do a whole post on this).

🌸I am a very deep (deeeep) thinker so I make sense of the world and the ‘goings on’ by always taking time out to consider my thoughts and put them in order. That’s why I write a lot of stuff!

🌸I always challenge my own thoughts as I believe very much in critical thinking.

🌸I learn from everything I read and everyone I meet, and I take on what fits my value systems and use the rest to have understanding and compassion/respect for others who have different ideas/beliefs/truths etc ☺

Basically everything I share is based on either my personal experiences, watching how people as a collective act/react/behave in certain situations, or just my random thoughts on a given day🥰