‘Happy Sad’?
Yup it’s a thing.
It’s not depression. It’s not bipolar. It’s not hormones. It’s not ‘smiling’ depression. It's not any kind of imbalances or medical condition.
It’s actually quite the opposite.
It’s a gift.
For years this used to literally confuse that fuck out of me. I know soooo many of you feel me on this! Right?!
You are just a happy person, positive, grateful, driven, optimistic, and appreciative, but against the background of a deeply feeling sad soul.
I used to research for hours looking for ‘happy sad person’ lol.
I found it so perplexing/strange/confusing as to how you could be living a beautiful and content life but at the same time feel this deep sadness for the hurt, lack of humanity, and unkind behaviour going on in society, and around the world.
I was never suicidal but I did often have thoughts of wanting to just float up into the sky and simply resting from this melancholic and heavy feeling. Like a knowing there was a better place and wanting to go back ‘home’.
After starting to make sense of it over time I eventually realised that often the truly (like IMMENSELY) happiest and most at peace people are those who also have the ability to feel hurt and sadness at the deepest level.
I think that’s what makes the joy of life so deep and true, the contrast.
In order to feel and appreciate peace and simplicity, you have to have experienced chaos and overwhelm. And in order to feel a profound level of soul happiness and appreciation for the magnificence of life, you must also be able to feel sadness and hurt to your core.
I believe one of the reasons for this is because it helps the Lightworkers of the world become more in touch with how to help and guide others, and develops even more compassion to hold space for those who need it most. You may never know the feeling of exactly what others are coping with emotionally, yet it gives you a better understanding of how agonising the pain must be.
This understanding and acceptance of the dualities in life is key.
Embracing ALL emotions and using them to find perspective through the reframing of your experiences is a skill and takes conscious effort to create. But once you move through this season and gain wisdom from this often lingering stage, I can promise you that ‘Happy Sad’ is such a beautiful state of emotional balance in your life. It sounds really weird and I don’t have all the answers, so all I can do is speak from my experience, but you eventually begin to enjoy life even more than you could have imagined, you find a really rad sense of tranquillity, a beautiful faith in life, and another level of gratitude for how spectacular life is