It’s been a minute
Well actually May 1st makes it 168 days.
Almost half a year!
This ended up being a huge post kiddo’s, so enjoy.
I originally wrote this post back in 2016! It’s so strange that I used to talk to my clients about these topics to complete their ‘health’ journey with me (note: health is physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, financial etc), but for whatever reason I never actually posted. I have done this numerous times over the years as I drop in and out of the social media world, and even though I do feel at the time it’s exactly what is needed to be shared to help others make more sense of the world, to gain a better perspective, and find more peace and joy in their lives….for whatever reason it doesn’t always happen that way. It’s like the words are one day discovered again amongst my packed writings in the ‘notes’ app of my phone, yet they are only posted when MY people are waiting to hear them. Clearly 2016 was not the right time for these words to be read, and although they have been adapted to suit this current moment in time, understanding this can truly impact your life no matter what age you are, what year we are in, or particular life point you are experiencing, and it will continue to whenever your mind and soul is ready and open for personal growth.
By this stage I think everyone has been feeling that there has been shift occurring over the past 6 months. A kind of ‘global upgrade’ as many refer to it.
It has kind of been forced upon us as humanity.
There is this one ‘thing’ going on right now that lot of those in the spiritual world are referring to as ascension or consciousness, which is another way of saying ‘an awakening’.
Awakening is simply defined as,
•an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something.
•the act of starting to understand something or feel something.
•a recognition, realisation, or coming into awareness of something.
Okkkkayyy, so before moving on realise that for many this kind of information and these topics can seem really ‘woo-woo’ and uncomfortably challenge people’s minds, especially when the hard-cores, ‘gurus’ and ‘newly ‘awakened’ ones of the spiritual or new age teachings try to share these concepts. With of course good intentions, in the beginning stages of learning new information (and often with those who ‘think’ they are enlightened) people often default to becoming esoteric. Esoteric basically involves people only speaking in rarely used words or in ways that require a certain pre-requisite level of understanding to be part of this perceived ‘exclusive club’ and ‘limited circle’. Unfortunately for many this is simply a new form of ego and actually works against their message.
I know I am often very absent on social media but one of things I love most in life is helping people find more perspective, more joy, and more peace in life. The teacher in me is CONSTANTLY learning. I would say I am deeply introspective (haha often times a little too much!). Finding all these things in life is wonderful for your own well-being, yet nothing fills you with more value and purpose than sharing the ‘deep thinking next level stuff’ or the ‘not common knowledge’. The challenge is, in most cases in order to be able to translate this ‘cool new shit’ into super simple ways so the everyday person who has had no knowledge or previous exposure to this stuff can benefit, and gain an appreciation and understanding you have to live it, feel it, and embody it.
I am really grateful I was exposed to so much spiritual and personal development early in my 30’s. Having experienced some of these processes personally has given me the beautiful ability to share insights and hopefully help or support others through this rapid shift in the new way of life. Look, I realise I am not an expert and I am slack on these networks, but hear this, while social media is a beautiful way to add value to the world, nothing is more powerful than adding value to those around you personally, in private messages, and what you do behind the scenes every day.
I know I have mentioned many time before that I honestly don’t aspire to be ‘popular’ or any kind of ‘new age thought leader’. I am not looking to be accepted into any circles or groups, as I only share my thoughts or what I have learned in order to reach those who need it most, add perspective or give value to make someone else’s life a little easier/better. These last two months (6 now) I have written a HEAP of posts, and while editing them I felt it was a good idea to do a bit of a ‘background’ post with this old archived post to set up a bit of a foundation in order for those who don’t know me privately or haven’t worked with me personally, to better understand some of my future posts. For those of you who haven’t read, heard, or have any knowledge on these topics I hope you enjoy it.
Around 6/7 years ago I came across this stuff randomly and spent a huge amount of time reading books and learning about these spiritual based topics. It’s actually reallyyyyy cool stuff and can bring a huge amount of peace to your life through gaining a better understanding of yourself, others and the world around you. I think many people miss out this incredible stuff as they get turned off by so many trying to make it seem like it’s only for a specific type of person, or for those who must have eaten way too many mushrooms or taken too many Ayahuasca trips. The funny thing is, everyone who has access to this knowledge wants everyone else to know about it, yet they seem to have to make it into such a ‘pimped out’ version that is presents as super exclusive, and implies that they are an overzealous expert. Listen, you don’t have to be a hippy or dress a certain way to understand it, appreciate it, and as a result have it make a positive impact on your life. Of course, you can go DEEP lol, but I truly believe understanding anything comes down to simplicity
The foundation understanding that we need to have is that LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS (typically referred to as dimensions), are not places you go, but just levels of awareness/awakening, in the simplest explanation.
Let’s keep it super simple at 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions!
We are all essentially experiencing the same ‘reality’, regardless of what ‘dimension’ we are living from, but the way we ‘perceive’ it is completely different. In each dimension as we go to a ‘new level’, there exists a clearer perspective of reality and a greater level of knowing and understanding. You can live in multiple dimensions simultaneously, or float between two. I know I move between the 4th and 5th dimensions. Most days I am 5th and have a wonderful perspective and fucking love life in totality. Some days though I get pissed off at stupid shit, the world, humanity, and judge people who irritate me hahaha #notaguru #yuphuman
The world has for a long time been idling in the 3rd dimension for the majority. This is where we are basically in a state of ‘autopilot’. The explosion and super-fast growth of social media over the past few years really enhanced this obsession and unhealthy focus in what everyone else has, and what everyone is doing. What we ‘see’ and value most in this state is superficial. We see ourselves as separate and think it’s appropriate to judge people based on the colour of their skin, age, gender, body type, financial status etc. People living from this perspective seek happiness and fulfilment from things like money, material possessions, relationships, and physical attributes. They tend to sit in a space of ‘I am in competition with everyone and in order to ‘make it’ (so I can get my share of abundance), I do whatever it takes, regardless of who I step on or who I hurt as long as I to get what I want.’
The fourth dimension is regarded as the ‘bridge’ or ‘purifying filter’ to the fifth dimension and has a kind of two-part phase. Typically something occurs like a death, major life changes, traumas, tragedies, life-threating illness, divorces, or other significant life event or crisis (eg COVID-19), that jolts us in a way that leaves us to questioning our old beliefs, habits, and social conditioning, and we begin to see that there is much more to life than what we thought.
During the initial phase you start question everything and see things with a new perspective and more clarity. Many will go through this period experiencing chaos, confusion and disorientation. It often involves a lot of anger and resentment for society and those who you feel lied to you, implanted these belief systems, and led you down the path of ‘following along’ and ‘fitting in’.
Like the 3rd dimension, comparison and judgement still exist however with more ‘spiritual’ themes…..think self- righteousness. You start to smugly describe yourself as ‘awake’ while judging those you feel are ‘asleep’ and become intolerant to the opinions or behaviour of others, more so with those who see things differently (you probably noticed this a lot lately). A spiritually themed ego arises and we become pre-occupied with discovering ulterior motives, evil plots and secret plans to harm us and feel an urgency to warn others.
As we move though this phase there becomes more love and gratitude. You begin to crave a totally different lifestyle from what you were used to in the third dimension as you experience a shift from materialistic pursuits, to instead pursuing knowledge and understanding. Self-awareness develops and you recognise the fact that you need to work on yourself, always keep an open mind, and also importantly, that you need to learn to forgive. You start to realise that whatever affects one of us, effects of all of us and as humanity we must cooperate to create a better Earth for the good of all (Think COVID19).
The fifth dimension is where we live from our heart and instead of being constantly overwhelmed and living in a state of helplessness with trying to change the world, you begin to heal yourself. There is a realisation that the darkness you see in the world is a direct reflection of the shadow that still exists inside you. The ego and judgments start fading away while the love and light within you grows and translates into compassion and understanding. You begin to accept yourself, and others, as ever changing and use discretion in what you spend your time and energy on, knowing that you ultimately hold all the power to ‘create’ your own perception of reality. Nothing is inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and you are able to see things in a new way that reflects lessons, experiences and allows the beauty of contrast. Memories can be accessed if there is a need to but there is no dwelling in the past in the 5th dimension, it is all about the living in present moment.
You experience life in a newly found state of calm, peace, appreciation and joy.
In summary:
3D = we are pre-occupied with how we look to the outside world and are consumed with materialistic stuff.
4D = we become self-righteous and consumed with the spiritual stuff.
5D = we find a beautiful harmonious balance between living in the real world and still being a dreamer by guiding our own spiritual and life path in a way that feels authentic, whilst allowing others the same grace.
Everything goes in cycles and our collective greed, lack of appreciation, taking advantage of each-other, nature and our planet, alongside our take, take, take behaviours are coming to end (I am not naïve and of course these behaviours will never be completely eradicated….a whole otherrrr post). This pandemic has literally smashed us all in the face to start paying attention in the ways we each individually need it most. The beauty is that there has been a huge percentage of the population shifting through and towards the 4th and 5th dimensions due to the virus. Just look at the traction and awareness it has given to importance of physical health, community, relationships, simplicity, minimalism, plant-based nutrition, personal development, mental health, financial health, multiple income streams etc
I often say….’the wonderful thing about social media is it’s given every single person a ‘voice’ and a platform’, yet the absolute worst thing about social media is that it’s given every single person a ‘voice’ and a ‘platform’. So, whilst yes there is unfortunately is a whole lot of challenges for many people that we are facing as a collective (and of course acknowledging the tragedy of the huge loss of life), there is also a wonderful opportunity as we are all pulled towards more enlightenment and mind expanding stuff
Missed you all! Lots of posts to come xxx
(PS now we are many of you actually read my longggg ass posts?????)