Role Models?

I was asked the question the other day on a post who my role models were, or who the person/s I draw most influence from, more specifically who was my ‘main influence’.
Firstly, my response was that I was probably better doing a video about this topic 😂
Here is a quick breakdown that may be of help:

🌸I actually don’t have ‘role models’ or have any one/or few people I put on a pedestal.

🌸I have read, and still read a lot of books on an unlimited variety of topics to keep my mind challenged to new ideas and information.

🌸I also search online whatever peaks my interest at the time and review a heap of points of reference to get a better, and more complete, understanding of a topic or idea.

🌸I follow the most (THE MOST) random people from all different walks of life’s, backgrounds and belief systems to avoid myself becoming dogmatic.

🌸I don’t like following specific people with adoration (eg. worship) as I find it dangerous to your own personal core values.

🌸I actually don’t vibe with the concept of only surrounding yourself entirely with ‘like-minded’ people, as I don’t believe we must agree with everyone on every single topic, nor do I believe people who don’t share similar beliefs have nothing to offer (I’ll do a whole post on this).

🌸I am a very deep (deeeep) thinker so I make sense of the world and the ‘goings on’ by always taking time out to consider my thoughts and put them in order. That’s why I write a lot of stuff!

🌸I always challenge my own thoughts as I believe very much in critical thinking.

🌸I learn from everything I read and everyone I meet, and I take on what fits my value systems and use the rest to have understanding and compassion/respect for others who have different ideas/beliefs/truths etc ☺

Basically everything I share is based on either my personal experiences, watching how people as a collective act/react/behave in certain situations, or just my random thoughts on a given day🥰