Have you ever considered that it’s all a big game?
Everyone is aware how hackers challenge themselves to access the most hardcore private sector, government, websites and data bases for the underground street cred It's literally a game! To see who really is able to beat the system
I often wonder if that is what occurs in some of the most far reaching ideas and theories about what is going on in the world. I mean don’t get me wrong, I am aware that there are plenty of things that go on behind the curtains and what they distracted eye can't see, but in our constant search for truth and understanding could it all be just a big game?
Think about it. For many of those who live and breathe the Internet world and love the challenge it could be entirely possible you have an underground group of people who filter out ideas to see which one ‘takes’. In the same way as the hackers find the challenge to see who can crack the code, these people could sit behind the screens searching for ‘coincidence’ and creating stories of what is really going on to see which one gets traction.
You see we have so many people who believe that the majority of humans are blind/asleep/sheep/not woke etc, as they follow the narrative of the majority.
Yet is it those who are lost?
Or is it just a matter of the minority following a different ‘narrative’ blindly, asleep and like sheep?
I mean really who determines which truth is fact?
While on your enlightened, awakened, conscious journey, don’t forget that swapping one narrative for another doesn’t necessarily mean you are now the one who ‘knows’ and sees all. We must realise that just as many of us have been blinded by society into following their 3D narrative, you may also be blinded by those into following a false 4D narrative.
As you start to see things differently in life and have a better perspective there is an initial place of mistrust, possible fear, and overly critical sense of people and the world in general. When you are in this mindset you can often start to ‘find’ any situation, circumstance, or idea to support your belief that the world is full of evil agendas and people trying to hurt you.
There can be truth found in anything. Especially when you are committed to a certain belief or ‘side’.
Watch for your own bias.
And appreciate that we could literally all just be a part of this crazy ‘game’ to see how much division can be caused through the uptake of information that was simply created to see how far it could