What if we viewed this time as a gift?
What if we allowed ourselves to trust?
What is we allowed this time to focus on solidarity?
What if this is a time for us to develop our compassion?
There is currently so much distrust and fear. We have to wonder if it is reasonable?
Or is it due to deeper emotional or spiritual reasons?
Why are some seeing this moment in time as a chance to relax, reassess, take some time out, while others are convinced and looking for others to confirm or support their beliefs that the world, government and people are all working against them, plotting, scheming and working toward destroying our way of life?
What if this experience was actually an opportunity to bring us together, not just as community, a country or region, but as a humanity?
What if this current landscape was actually being presented to us in order to unite us in learning compassion and how it feels to have to give up some things at times in our life for the greater good of people we know, or the world as a whole?
What if this situation is a part of something bigger to create more solidarity and long-term unity as well as appreciation for each other, and is not truly about separating us?
Over my lifetime I have come to appreciate how important perspective is.
Tough times, challenges, hurt, uncertainty and the unknowns in some ways all create a better perspective, so that in time you come out the other side with a clearer view. Sometimes we have to go through the clouds and feel a little lost due to the blurriness in order to come out the other side into clear skies and gain clarity and see the world from new eyes, through a different lens.
I can completely empathize with the ‘missing out’ part, I get that! But isn’t it interesting that almost the entire world has had to go through a shared experience? Everyone has in some way ‘lost’ something. Even those who were financially abundant had to share this experience. You see regardless of wealth; their money almost became in some ways irrelevant. There was no shopping, eating out at fancy restaurants, travelling the world. Even if they shopped online, where would they wear all those expensive outfits?
To jump in the van and go to a nice lake, beach, or check out a new location is a huge part of my life, that I absolutely love. However, Marcus and I truly felt a beautiful sense of liberation and new found freedom from the uncertainty trusting in the belief that no matter what, it all works out ok in the end. Through years of giving more time to our own personal development we were able to embrace the unknown by taking advantage of enjoying the beauty of this unusual adventure and what will unfold.
The past 6 months were definitely not without challenges, and of course we all have moments of overwhelm. Like many we lost 90% of our income within a day. We were living in Sydney for work with no intentions of staying longer than our work commitments and were extremely lucky that our lease had just expired. With the lock down and only essential movement permitted, we made the decision to stay in the van in Canberra with family until we knew what was going to play out. We had no idea when we could get back to Queensland, let alone find a place to live, and replace our lost income. With all the uncertainty over impending lockdowns we left pretty much left immediately and were grateful to have spent the few years prior ‘minimising’ our life.
On the way down of the first trip of the two (3-hour drive), about 45 minutes in, the van literally STOPPED on the highway driving at 110kph. We had to be towed off the highway and let’s just say the next 2 days were a mess dealing with 5 mechanics on trying to diagnose the problem. In the end we had to delay our move for a week as the turbo needed replacing (haha that wasn’t cheap). In the end we made it, settled in best we could and decided to view it as our ‘10 year long service leave’ (being business owners of so many years haha). Our days were really simple. Stretching, as there were no gyms. Going for massive walks with the dogs each day and exploring new paths with no time restrictions. Cooking every meal at home. And probably a bit (lot) too much Netflix. After 4 months we finally had a home and just made it back to QLD before updated border restrictions.
Amongst that we had so many other things pop up, including health problems for people we love and cherish dearly. Even with choosing to enjoy life and find happiness we, like everyone else, we dealt with many challenges along the way. I remind myself often to live with the perspective that no matter what happens it all works out in the end, exactly as it is supposed to.
I guess you can say we made the choice back in March to choose calm over chaos and we did just that.
To embrace the time out and relish in this new way of living. For as long as it lasts