So what if we fail.

The world- “You have less than a 1% chance of success”


I mean seriously, even if all these supposed statistics were completely on point why are people really so scared of chasing big goals?

Why are people so scared to risk a little, to potentially have it all.

So what if we fail.

Privately, or god forbid, in the public arena

We know all great things require big growth, finely tuned skill set, patience, work ethic, commitment, educated risk, consistency, resilience etc.

But it seems the biggest challenge of all, is finding the courage to even try.

Hear this though, all the athletes in the world have little chance of making it to the top of their sport, all the musicians in the world have little chance of reaching the top of the music world, all the actors around the world have little chance of hitting the big time as an actor, all the models in the world have little chance of becoming a successful model, all the business people around the world have little chance to become a top CEO, and all the want to be firefighters have little chance of becoming a firefighter.

But people do it.

People take a chance, give it a shot, and win.

And you know what, let’s be completely honest

in the fact that most people don’t make it.

But guess what, that’s actually a beautiful part of truly living life.

If you fail or realise something is not meant for you, I can promise you that at some point in the future your experience will end up paying you off in dividends. You’ll see the importance of the lessons you learned from that experience, the purpose of that path, and the perspective of taking that chance.

You’ll also come to know yourself better.

I often wonder, why do we as a society condition ourselves to be so fearful of challenge and chasing something that requires the absolute highest level of ourselves to possibly achieve?

Imagine if everyone chased their biggest goals in whatever arena they were most passionate about. I mean can you imagine as humanity how much more epic and farther along (for the better) we would be? Like imagine if we all strived for the top of the mountain. There is absolutely no doubt that the majority of us would fail to achieve the epitome of greatness in whatever we measure that by, but there is also no doubt that we would all be happier, healthier, have a greater perspective, more peace, and actually enjoy living a fun and exciting life.

Make a commitment to yourself to never let other people’s fear ever stop you from going after anything you desire.

Fail, fuck it up, stumble, and enjoy the ride no matter what the outcome!

Because at the end of the day we are all going to die. And let’s be completely realistic in that the majority of us will be very quickly forgotten, aside from our close family and friends.

I read a powerful statement once that said-



(BOOM Sooooo good right!!).

I implore you to sit with yourself today, and if there is anything, anything, at all you want to do so deeply in your soul, now is the time to do it.

I personally have your back.

If people laugh at you, I’ll cheer for you.

If people doubt you, I’ll believe in you.

If you fail, I’ll help you find perspective.

So here’s a big cheers to me and my less than 1% chance of success

The bigger the task,

the bigger the lessons,

the bigger the obstacles,

the bigger the growth,

the bigger the character,

the bigger the life.

Excited to have you in my world and a part of my journey! Love you guys!! Xxx