Imagine doing all this apparent spiritual work over the years and finally opening your mind, ascending to a supposed new area of consciousness, perspective, understanding, and 'greater' knowing, only to arrive at a place where you are completely pre-occupied with a distrust of humanity, the government, the medical industry and the world in general, which ultimately leaves you living in a state of constant worry, fear and overwhelm that THEY are all working against us to harm, poison, destroy and kill us.
It’s really interesting isn’t it?
So many now talk of society’s manipulation and brainwashing to have you chasing things that you don’t truly need in order to feel happy, worthy and successful. The 3rd dimension is the perceived place of ‘brainwashed’ which is somewhat true, yet those who move past this societal ‘normal’ to a better perspective and understanding of their lives, who they are, and the world around them, often end up in another new world of ‘brainwash’. It’s the extremes I always like people to really think about. It’s the balance. It’s the critical thinking. It’s the care and conscious effort to being informed, without the obsession and striving to feel more evolved, holier-than-thou, and ‘privy to special information’.
It’s an interesting time right now.
It’s interesting watching people on social media and their response to the coronavirus, isolation, and new (changing/evolving) world we are currently living.
What is really surprising to me is how many of the spiritual, woke, enlightened and other self-proclaimed conscious ones among us are showing up.
The shift from a more leaning 3D world to a 4D one, and ultimately 5D level of consciousness is a wonderful thing, but it’s very apparent so many of those who feel they have had this experience haven’t yet realised they are still being driven still by the ego, although in a different direction.
There are many ideas and theories floating around right now. So many people for far too long have been stuck in a world obsessed with status, appearance, materialistic stuff, etc. The rise to a 4D perspective is great for all of us, yet I have noticed that many who think they are now ‘wiser’ are convinced they are suddenly an ‘elevated being’ in the 5D, yet in fact they are actually now obsessed with the ‘betterness’ of their new mindset and awakening, which again means they are still stuck in a fixed and ego based mind.
Spirituality is about knowing ourselves. Understanding the world around us. Finding more peace and enjoying life with real appreciation for all things experienced and what makes us human. It’s about oneness and understanding perspectives, but not becoming brainwashed in a whole new way to misguidedly fit into some newly discovered and now perceived better ‘clique’.
So, imagine moving towards this goal and now being convinced the world, the government, the medical industry is all convoluting in ways to harm us, destroy us, and essentially ruin us?
Look I am the most open minded person around. My life philosophy for a long time I recently shared in a post-
"There is a beautiful space in between ‘living in the real world’ and being ‘a dreamer’. Living in the real world means you are self-aware and you realise you are required to be a part of society and in some aspects ‘fit in’. You never want to be too much of a ‘realist’ though as you will end up living a life without any magic and miss out on all the fun and opportunities available in the world.
Being a dreamer is a beautiful thing that allows your mind to play, visualise and discover the enchantment of imagination.
Everything in the world starts with wonder, yet you also understand that anything you want in life is not just mindset and manifestation, but also requires actual aligned action.
Another example in life where sometimes it’s in our advantage be a balance of both" #lifephilosophy
I love the areas personal development, science, spiritual, emotional, psychological work, but I feel like so many people get lost a little deep in the so-called rabbit hole and then make it their new identity. I can understand why people think those people are a little crazy, and as a result want to stay well away from expanding their knowledge in these areas, even though they would greatly benefit exploring these insights. In all honesty I have seen so many people over the years think they are a little better than others as they discover a whole new way of existing. They try to elevate and separate themselves from the apparent ‘sleeping’ people by making others feel like they are inferior and that they have some exclusive information that is only available to the ‘special’ people. I never want to be so spiritually enlightened or woke that I can’t connect and appreciate others, or spend time with and be courteous with my family, friends, and other human beings, regardless of how much ‘work’ they apparently need to do on themselves. Your personal spiritual growth should be more about being a better person, rather than trying to ‘better others’ or being better than them.
Regardless of which side of the fence you are on when it comes to controversial topics, hear this…. being ‘woke’, ‘awake’, ‘open your eyes’ does NOT equal to the belief in either 5G or not, anti/pro-vaccination, BLM/ALM, pandemic/scamdemic etc Regardless of what all these apparent enlightened humans claim! Don’t be misled to think you must believe the same things that the majority of these communities believe in order to be aware of what is really going on in the world. Awareness does not always have to equate to suddenly ONLY believing in fringe views. You can be acutely conscious and choose to believe something different to the so called ‘woke’ people or their communities.
Consciousness doesn’t mean believing what the MAJORITY OR MINORITY thinks. It having enough self-awareness/spiritual development to create your OWN unbiased views through research, evidence and intuition to formulate and create your own ideas. It means thinking for yourself and coming to your own conclusions. It means that throughout your life you should RARELY be in any group, community, friendship, relationship or setting where you completely agree with 100% of what their beliefs and opinions are in all circumstances.
Stay woke folks