The rise of the new (un) conscious.
The world and the way we live has changed so much these past few months and with that has been both good, and some challenging (edit: eeek…6 months now).
For around the past 10 years I shifted from predominately reading about physical health and nutrition, to spending more time reading and learning about spiritual development, general mindset, and understanding the world and why we humans behave the way we do. I actually almost studied psychology (along with about 50 other degrees) as I just love learning about how the mind works, human behaviour and often using that understanding to help people.
By now many of you may have some knowledge of the concepts of dimensions. Now for those who don’t I’m going to give you a basic reminder breakdown in a way that is simple to understand, uncomplicated, and try not to present myself self as some kind of guru who has special access to information that others in the circle can’t access.
Basically dimensions are levels or consciousness, or awareness. The main ones to understand at the human level here on earth are the 3D, 4D, and 5D.
As a reminder from my more detailed post the other day they can be summarized as follows:
3D = we are pre-occupied with how we look to the outside world and are consumed with materialistic stuff.
4D = we become self-righteous and consumed with the spiritual stuff.
5D = we find a beautiful harmonious balance between living in the real world and still being a dreamer by guiding our own spiritual and life path in a way that feels authentic, whilst allowing others the same grace.
There are so many incredible benefits to this whole coronavirus situation we are experiencing. Of course, the number of deaths is so fucking tragic It is also important to appreciate even if it doesn’t directly affect one of your loved ones, that so many people have lost fathers, mothers, grandparents, sons, daughters etc.
Now while this mass awakening and earth ascension is going to do wonderful things for so many of us, we need to be careful of the ego arising in those claiming to be so ‘woke’ and ‘awake’ and dismissing those who don’t have the same beliefs as ‘sheep’
This past few weeks (again…eeek 6 months now), I have literally seen HUNDREDS of posts and ‘insta-stories’ sharing and promoting new information (that may or may not be true…..because let’s all be completely honest and transparent here...none of you REALLY truly know, myself included, beyond any reasonable doubt) with mostly biased thoughts, ideas, in regards to what you have now only recently discovered, alongside ‘polls’ and ‘questions’ insinuating that you ‘EITHER BELIEVE ME’ or ‘YOU ARE SLEEPING/A SHEEP’.
What people who are only just being exposed to these concepts of dimensions, or those who are still on their journey fail to understand, is that being truly ‘awakened’ means NOT judging others based on one’s own ‘rightness’ (especially when smugly regulating the morals of others), and NOT being intolerant towards the opinion of others. 5D and spirituality is NOT about being better, knowing more, or judging those who are different to you, including belief systems.
In fact I’ve noticed most of the people claiming this new awareness and declarations of spiritual and intellectual superiority, not only perceive themselves to now suddenly be of a higher order and a first-rate thinker, but they are mostly just ‘reposting’ information they have come across on other social media pages. It’s simply in many circumstances just another example of the lack of critical thinking, yet they seem to scream the loudest that they ‘KNOW’ the facts because they are now using their critical thinking skills?
There are VERY few people who are sharing these types of posts that have actually looked beyond the ‘bandwagon’ as much as they claim to, and many (ok, most) don’t even properly construct a post, article, or conversation piece with their OWN thoughts, in their OWN words, or what they have discovered and concluded from their OWN perspective. They are just simply regurgitating the exact same information through a shared ‘meme’, post, article or You Tube video. Now I am not saying it’s wrong to ‘share’ things you like or agree with in some instances, but to provoke ‘dialogue’ and ‘open conversation’ that everyone seems to be claiming, it makes more sense to me that if I am truly passionate about something (beyond virtue signalling and group think) that I would want to use my own mind and voice to offer my personal perspective, as opposed to constantly using everyone else’s exact points and words There seems to be almost no-one sharing their constructed thoughts, just an easy ‘copy and paste’ or ‘share’ paired with a passive aggressive sentence or two of why you are right.
So it intrigued me, and something to maybe consider is….are THEY the ‘sheep’ or are YOU the ‘sheep’?
Accusing people of being still ‘asleep’ or not ‘woke’ as you now claim to be is not at all in line with any sort of true consciousness and ascension if that’s what ‘club’ you now want to be part of. It simply becomes about a spiritual ranking.
True spiritual development is about only you, not how you compare with others. It has nothing to do with hierarchy or what you apparently know in comparison to others. It’s a personal journey of discovering who you are and to better understand the world around you. It’s not at all about how woke/conscious/awake someone is just to purportedly prove that your new ideas/information/beliefs are right and others are wrong.
I think it’s really wonderful so many people will now experience a shift in consciousness and will see the world in a completely new way with a renewed perspective, but with care and kindness I do suggest and recommend that before you start sharing all these new discoveries, you take some time to read, research and educate yourselves on these theories (or facts) so you can truly get the most benefit and peace for your life
For me personally, whenever I come across a new word/idea/information that’s peaks my interest, I further investigate. I will initially just google and read at least the first 10-15 pages (if not more) around the topic to get a broad idea of what I’m looking at. Then I typically purchase books around the topic, or look to some experts in that arena if applicable. I look to all sources to keep an open mind and also ensure I review ALL opposing points of view so I can then make my own decisions on what holds true to be. I ONLY share what I feel I have very reasonable confidence for and not anything that could be harmful, misleading or manipulative on controversial topics if I have still doubts, and if I did I would say clearly these are ‘my thoughts’ and what ‘I am thinking’, but acknowledge truthfully I can’t be 100% as yet, so please don’t take my thoughts as gospel.
I think where you find rationality is in the middle of all the extremes and sides. People who tend to believe they are the most woke and have access to special information are actually very similar to those who believe everything society tells then or they read in mainstream media. Without realizing it BOTH become ‘followers’ and live in such similar states of overwhelm and life consuming fear whilst sitting at opposite ends of the spectrum. Those who truly find balance through their own personal development, soul searching and growth can be in amongst the same chaos and still remain calm. So many who think they are ‘there’ (5D or whatever you wish to refer to it as) are in fact just as far from the ‘thereness’ than those living in the 3D mindset.
I also do completely understand the rhetoric of people being responsible for what they consume and yes, I somewhat agree, BUT I don’t think it’s entirely reasonable to simply dismiss any responsibility. I understand the notion of people’s right to freedom of speech (which is technically for the citizens on the USA), but I have noticed in the age of social media we have all become accustomed to shouting so loudly about our rights, with little to no acknowledgement or regard for our responsibilities?
When we get to a place where we remove all our own self-awareness and replace it only with our rights, we enter a dangerous place for not only our own community and the greater world, but ourselves. We need to be acutely aware of our individual influence, power, and the effects of our written and spoken words. It’s not simply a case of ‘freedom to say and do as you please’ as it is 'your life' with no concept of the repercussions of your actions. In fact why can’t we simply state our opinions, ideas, and beliefs from a INTRIGUED and CONVERSATIONAL standpoint instead of a self- proclaimed expert’?