As I start posting more often and sharing my ‘notes’ I just want you all to remember that these are my ‘thoughts’, ‘ideas’ or ways to see the world or make sense of the life going on around me☺️
I don’t write what’s right or wrong, just what’s fits with me in this moment of time. It may stay true, it may change in 2 days, 2 months, 2 years or 2 decades.
My goal is not to preach, necessarily teach or tell you to take what I say as gospel. I only post to share my view of this life and the world as how I see and navigate it. The only goal is to maybe give a new, alternative or possibly better perspective/understanding.
Writing for me organizes my thoughts. I have an EXTREMELY busy mind. I would say at the highest end of the spectrum possible🤪Marcus often looks at me and says he gets tired thinking about what my brain is thinking about haha
I have been this way, for as long as I can remember. I am naturally very inquisitive. I like knowledge and learning, and these days mostly in just whatever it is that seems to catch my minds interest at any given time. I also like to live a happy life. Looking at my everyday experiences and what goes on in the world around me allows me to think deeply and use the information to find peace in any situation and just really live life.
I actually figured out that I get really overwhelmed with too many people and don’t really want a big following or crowd. It made sense to me as why I resisted the online social media fitness world for so long. I didn’t truly deeply want to be ‘famous’. Many people tried to help me build a business and brand online, commenting "you could be as big as ‘this person’ or ‘that person’" etc, just do this, post that, shorten your captions, dumb it down a bit, show more of your body etc. The truth of it was that I never really desired to be any kind of role model or celebrity, or whatever else your refer to it. The only true desire was to help people and try to make their lives better in some way.
The best advice I can give for anyone is to really commit time to reading a wide range of books across many different topics, get involved personal development events, and instead of relying on social media as your entire source of information, spend time researching more about anything that peaks your interest by learning from various sources.
Try not to get consumed entirely with one point of view and always challenge yourself to still consider the opposing views in any circumstance. I like to be able to argue almost everything from both sides of the table to ensure I keep myself conscious of what beliefs I am taking on.
I often read books where I wholeheartedly agree and love an authors thoughts and beliefs around a topic, yet still find a paragraph, chapter or social media post that I don’t agree with. I just consider their ideas and then pass over them if they don’t align with me personally. I don’t hate them, disregard their intelligence, wipe them out of my existence😉I continue to appreciate the parts of their mind that add value to my own and regardless of how much I love or respect that person, never take on beliefs or values that aren’t authentic to me.
So keep reading along my ramblings🤪 if you enjoy them, consider them, absorb the parts that fit, and simply disregard the rest. Feel free to write any thoughts, ideas, or perspectives that you have discovered whether you agree or disagree. I find reading the comments on certain social media pages super mind opening as so many regular people who are not in the position of ‘thought leader’ etc have some truly epic knowledge and wisdom to share.