Care without obsession. The case for common sense.

Care without obsession.
The case for common sense.

We have literally become a society of extreme behaviours and thoughts. All or nothing. It’s seems like over the years common sense is becoming less and less common. The ability to think for ourselves, aka ‘critical thinking skills’, has become a lot less common. We are becoming more and more a bunch of ‘followers’ in a world of ‘this’ or ‘that’. Full stop. No middle ground.

1. Think climate change. The world is going to explode and blow up. We are all doomed.
OR it’s all a hoax, a big scam, and load of bullshit.

Could we not acknowledge the data, appreciate that we can do better in respect to how we treat our planet, and make some changes to our behaviours as humanity, and make a conscious effort to care whilst not living in complete fear, lowering our collective vibration through panic, and taking away any joy in life because we are all freaking out about doomsday.

2.People become obsessed with sustainability and riddled with anger, self-righteousness and anxiety around every single action in their daily life and the effort level of everyone else in comparison to their ‘benchmark’ of what is acceptable.
OR I don’t give a shit, it’s not my problem, not interested, what I do is no-ones business, and it doesn’t make a difference anyway.

Could we not all make efforts to use less plastics (especially single use), recycle, reduce while at that same time not sitting around judging others on our high horse and getting so consumed and obsessed with the message that we forget to actually have some fun and live our lives.

3. Animal agriculture is destroying the world and if you eat animal products you are a heartless person who doesn’t give a fuck while I’m sitting here in all my rightness and woke-ness.
OR let’s gorge ourselves and over consume, because it’s ‘my right’ with no respect for the consequences of our actions and the impacts on the world and animals through our choices.

Could we not all make efforts to eat a mostly plant based, eat sensible portions of the foods we enjoy, with some animal protein and dairy if you enjoy it, be conscious the foods you eat and how they are sourced, listen to our intuition, and stop eating more than our share through greed.

4. Everyone is either on or off a diet. If you eat that food or drink this, you are literally going to get cancer and die so let’s gets so obsessed with ‘health’ and ‘wellness’ that we have so much anxiety we can now no longer enjoy our lives or social events.
OR let’s just eat everything and as much as we can and complain about how crap we feel, lack of energy, our body weight, look for the quickest fix , and then blame it on everything else, cue celebrity’s, influencers, social media, etc aside from our own choices.

How about we all just eat a balanced diet, built around the foods we enjoy, focus on whole foods, discretionary foods in moderation, be more conscious of our food choices without being riddled with anxiety, fear, and obsession about every little morsel you eat.

5. The medical industry is corrupt, all about money, and plotting to kill us so don’t listen to doctors or medical advice and just cure all disease naturally with food and natural therapies.
OR let’s just ignore basic health and lifestyle with no self awareness or responsibility for our choices and pressure doctors to cure our self inflicted health issues by loading ourselves full of prescription drugs and rely on surgery and pills with no respect for our bodies.

Could we not all take a sensible approach to nutrition, keep active, pay attention to our lifestyle habits, and use a balance of holistic treatments where you feel suitable and relevant, while taking appropriate medical advice and where required and recommended by trained professionals incorporate prescription medications or medical procedures/treatments.

6. Social media is terrible, ruins lives and makes people feel crap about themselves and influencers are responsible for all the problems in my life.
OR let’s live our lives completely glued to our damn screens 24/7 because we are so disengaged in our own reality that we can’t live without it and must know what everyone else is doing so we can know what to wear, eat, think, and believe.

Could we not all get back to actually living our own lives and connecting with the real world and people, sitting with our own thoughts so we can form our own opinions and recognize our own individuality while using social media in a sensible way that adds value to our lives.

7. If you use this cleaning product, skincare or this packaging you are being exposed to harmful ingredients that without a doubt you are going to get cancer, body mutations and die. And you are also destroying the environment.
OR who cares about any of it, I’m not paying extra, fuck any new research and information, and fuck the environment as it’s all bull shit anyway.

Could we not all be conscious of the products we use around the house and on our skin and pay attention to scientific recommendations without jumping on scare mongering band wagons whilst being riddled with anxiety and fear about every.single.damn.little ingredient that it consumes your entire existence.

I don’t know if it’s just me but sometimes when I look on social media and in the news I am quite disillusioned in how as a society we can be so brain washed to be obsessively ‘on a side’. There literally seems to be any ‘middle ground’ anymore. No flexibility. No perspective.

When did it become so black and white. When did we forget to look at information from all sides of the table, weigh up the pros/cons, consider all other possibilities and from their make our own educated opinion, whilst also appreciating we don’t have all the answers in this incredibly diverse world.
Why can’t we balance what ‘science’ tells us with common sense and the ‘real world’.

Why have we felt the need to have to become so divided and to the point of uncompromising allegiance?
As the famed quote says ‘just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean I hate you’.

Lack of critical thinking skills is becoming an issue more and more with the internet and social media as people look to the ‘pretty people’ for information, those who they like or seen nice, and don’t realise that they are typically targeted with information that confirms their existing beliefs.

It’s time to start moving back to a place of a sliding scale and not seeing, or trying, to live a life with everything in a state of all-or-nothing with no flexibility or appreciation of perspective. This mindset leads to a world full of people filled with fear, riddled with anxiety, and with a complete lack of freedom to grow and change as dogmatism results in communities of ‘stuck’ humans without the ability to enjoy life.

There is a big difference between ‘care’ and ‘obsession’.