Why do we have to justify our ‘imperfections’?
We see these posts all the time now from influencers and fitness accounts.
The posting of inspirational photos showing our ‘bad side’, which let’s be honest most photos show such minimal imperfections. Someone posts a photo and points out how they have stomach rolls in certain positions, cellulite in certain lighting, bad skin, etc and write a caption to purportedly make others feel better.
I started to wonder why we are not comfortable in just posting the perceived ‘flaws’ with absolutely NO justification or explanation of these imperfections.
Isn’t that the real truth, actual confidence and the most candid way in helping others?
Posting a photo that shows a part of our body that society deems as something we should ‘fix’ and not actually saying anything.
Wouldn’t that be more inspirational and progressive?
It’s like we say and write all the ‘right’ things but we still have to hide behind the cover of ‘I’m here to prove to you I’m not perfect and look at how genuine I am by sharing my ‘bad side’ with you’, BUT ‘I just need to make sure you know it is my bad side’. Instead of just posting the photo and letting it be. Not drawing attention to it looking for comments about how real you are. Not feeling you need to explain your flaws and making sure people understand it’s not your best picture. Just posting the not perfect photo and carrying on without worrying about what others will think or assume.
Isn’t that real truth?
Look I’m not saying people who post this type of content have ulterior motives but I do have to be honest that every time I see them now the majority of the time I just feel they are fabricated. Just posting the photos, without any mention of society’s perceived flaws under a pretence of ‘being real’ seems more sincere to me. Could it be considered that when we still feel the need to give acknowledgement to society that these are 'actual flaws' we are not really dispelling these long held toxic beliefs?
If we are really sharing it for change and social impact as opposed to our desire to capture ‘likes’ and be seen in a ‘good light’, is it not best to just post it with no justification about the ‘imperfect’ picture?