When Marcus and I were driving home from Canberra the other week along the highway amongst farm and bush land, the sky caught my attention in a whole new way.
Nature really is beautiful and it truly shows us how we as humans should be. Hustle and bustle and traffic and racing around in the mornings and nights isn’t the way we are supposed to work.
It was around 5.45pm and the sun was coming down. We were out in nature driving through the highway around dusk and I said to Marcus ‘wow nature really has it all laid out for us if we chose to open our eyes and see it’.
The sky gets kind of misty and smoky and essentially it becomes calming. It’s like it signals the moment of time before night fall to slow down and find calm.
It’s the same in the mornings. But the energy and the way the sun rises is completely different. It’s bright and awaking. Like it’s saying, time to energise and get going. Let’s do this. The complete opposite to the afternoon.
It made me think about how many people miss this and a lot of the reason why I believe we feel so stressed, rushed and overwhelmed. We don’t allow ourselves (and I understand for some who can’t depending on jobs) time to acknowledge and stay in sync with our natural environment. We are kind of going against our natural connection to the world around us. Trying to go so after our society’s manufactured world that we become so out of alignment with the real world. It’s just not meant to be that way.
I'm not here to, and I can’t give you the answers on how to bring about a more joyful and harmonious life, but what I will say is that at the end of the day we all have a choice. We just need to be flexible and how we find that place. It won’t be the same for everyone, but don’t underestimate the importance of actually living life.
I think we tend to sacrifice the beauty of what our lives could be as we have and want to much stuff we don’t need. There is always an alternative once you make the decision to live the life you dreamed of🌻