This Is 40.


This is 40 done my way✌️

🌸No kids- because I just simply haven’t had enough of a burning desire to have them, and refuse to follow the expectations of society that as a female you should have kids, and also feel that maybe one day my purpose may possibly be more tied to fostering (still considering all options with no stress or attachments as I trust everything will work out perfectly in the end☺️).

🌸No mortgage or home- because I simply haven’t found anywhere yet I feel I want to be tied to, and I love the freedom to ‘just go’, and also don’t buy into the idea that owning your own home is the ‘Australian dream’.

🌸No debts (anymore😉)- because I have no desire to ruin my life with the stress of money just to have materialistic ‘stuff’ that I don’t need simply to show others, or because society tells me that’s what makes me successful; or will mislead me to think these things will make me happy.

🌸No fancy cars, expensive clothes, shoes, bags or jewellery (been there, done that🤪)- because I’d prefer to have savings, invest in businesses that generate freedom, create memories and experiences in my life through travel and adventure because that is of way more value and will bring me real lasting happiness.

🌸No standard job or following my professional degrees- tried that and it simply wasn’t for me. Prefer to work for myself and choose what I’m worth and be paid for the effort I give with no limits through my own businesses or companies.

The way I live my life isn’t ‘right’, but it is perfect for me.

I don’t buy into other people’s dreams and goals.

I don’t follow the path that society tries to push on me.

Nor do I allow myself to be manipulated to believe the thoughts and ideas from other people’s ‘perspective’ of the world are ‘the way it should be done’.

I also don’t buy into the ageist bullshit that is projected onto women mostly through consumerism which is designed to brainwash women into thinking they need to ‘hide’ their age or ‘fix’ themselves.

Since turning 40 and speaking to others in general conversation, people have been positively surprised by my attitude as everyone else is generally so pessimistic about getting older.

You see my perspective since turning 40 has been ‘OMFG I literally have another 40 years (potentially🤞) to do whatever the fuck I want in my life’. I have soooo much time, unless for some reason I’m pulled from this earth early lol, to try new things, explore, adventure, play, have fun, learn, start a new career, study, and experience new things.

I had 40 years to achieve all my goals from my 20’s through to my mid 30’s, and now in the past year I have had a bit of ‘time out’ away from what I have ‘always done’ personally.
I now have a WHOLE ANOTHER 40 YEARS, but this time with a WHOLE truckload more wisdom to achieve it all with.

I mean seriously, how much better does it get than that?


(PS And huge shout out and cheers to my Dad who said “Happy Birthday, welcome to the best years of your life, 40-60”…he is always and forever a legend and a total badass who never followed the rules and lived one hell of a cool life)