Why do we have to be one, or another?
Why can’t we be a realist and still be a visionary?
Why can’t we love money yet still live a simple life?
Why can’t we believe in both holistic living and modern medicine?
Why can’t we believe in science and the real world?
Why can’t we have a typical ‘job’ but also have a side income?
Why can’t we be positive and happy but also have days of sadness and general low feelings?
Why can’t we love people but love to be alone?
Why can’t we be a dreamer and still live in the physical world?
Why can’t we believe in science as well as our own intuition?
We really don’t have to choose between options and situations in most of daily lives like the world seems to imply. Duality can be beautiful.
Don’t believe in ego based fear or be pulled into promoting ideologies that demand 'you are either with me or against me'. This may seem like a form of strength and building a community of 'like-minded' people, but realise it is just another form of hate and division.
Like the little girl says in the taco add when the family were arguing over soft or hard taco shells.
Why can’t we do both?