I didn’t post too much the past year or so on social media.
Or even the year before.
There was no particular reason other that that it just simply wasn’t a part of my daily life and focus.
Flipping through my 'notes' in my phone I noticed that I have a HEAP of ‘writings’ from last year that I am thinking I will share many of them over the next couple of weeks. I likely won’t post them all, just the ones I think may add value, perspective or challenge someone’s thoughts (in a positive way).
I really love writing my thoughts as my mind randomly makes sense of things from the continuous flow of stuff that comes into my mind. In most cases I only like to post things that I feel can be helpful to people. I don’t pull any feelings of self-respect or ego based stuff from the online world at all so that is probably one of the reasons I simply 'disappear' at times. I am definitely not implying that is the reason everyone is online. Sure there are many reasons why people are active online, keep in touch with family, business, or passion for a message and cause, but I do think validation is a big part of it for most people.I guess for me I just follow my intuition and when it feels time to re-appear and share my thoughts, I do, and the rest of the time I just enjoy life in the flow of what feels good for me☺️
I have a really balanced relationship and opinion on social media. It is one thing I am grateful for as I only use it in a way that adds to my life, and others (hopefully). As much as the internet is full of shit lol, I still think it has some really cool shit 😜I love reading other people’s ideas, beliefs, opinions and watching behaviour of humans (another job I would have loved, psychology).
I am also super passionate about critical thinking (may be due to the teacher in me😉) and I do believe that with the fast rise of social media it is a skill set that has been largely lost in society, yet it is one of the most valuable skills you could have in life. It really brings about a more calm, rational and peaceful existence being able to see things from all angles and finding a place of what is truth for you, regardless of where others stand (and not getting consumed with anger and hatred for those who are different).
As most of you have probably noticed over the year I don’t post to get people ‘on my side’, or to take on my beliefs or opinions, but more so to challenge people’s thoughts in a really small way. Hopefully inspirit them to think about things in a different way that enables them to bring about a better life through perspective.
Most of my ‘notes’ which become the posts, simply came about through me challenging my own thoughts when reading about certain topics, watching how many people behave when specific ideas get exposure in the media, and in a lot of cases offering a different perspective to what most people ‘jump on the bandwagon’.
I also like to encourage people to assess how they react to the world, what goes on in their life and their experiences to see how they can maybe views things a little differently, find more peace, learn something new, or find better ways to manage their own thoughts. I don’t expect it all to resonate with you, and often times I even think, ‘does this make sense?’ haha.
A final note. These days with algorithms I notice I RARELY see posts from people I actually love and who are my friends, so if you do like reading my stuff jump on my profile each day or comment so you can see. I know I must be a real pain in the ass for those who do appreciate my posts and most would give up if they kept 'checking in' lol 🤪 I truly miss the early social media days where everything just came in order as people posted. SO.MUCH.EASIER! 🙄
I hope you enjoy them and they can impact you in some positive or beneficial way xx